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Hi looking for inforamtion regarding the Gault line. Robert gault was born Taylorstown Antrim and married Eliza jane Cunningham ina church at Grange of Ballyscullion. His father was William- have not been able to find much on him. I did find William Gault who married a nancy McDowell in 1827 at Taylorstown, I do feel this is my William. Robert and Eliza move to Australia in 1862 to Western Australia- have alot of information since arrival into Australia. Eliza's father's name was James Cunningham andher mother ?Agnes ?Nanct Harper. Any help greatly appreciated. Regards dawn

Sunday 2nd Dec 2012, 01:26AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dawn

    We may have a connection. My Cunningham family are from this area. My great great grandfather was Samuel Cunningham and he married Letitia Surgeoner in 1861. His father is listed as Samuel - a farmer at Grange. The witness at the wedding is Nancy Cunningham. Coincidentally I am in Western Australia.



    Tuesday 8th Jan 2013, 05:08AM
  • Hi Alison many thanks for your email, sorry i took so long in getting back to you.

    Will add the remainder of info I have on Eliza Cunningham-

    Her parents were- James Cunningham and Agnes/Nancy Harper, James possibly born 5 September 1789 and died 3 September 1885, ?Father being Andrew Cunningham. Occupation on daughter’s marriage certificate was farmer.


    I am heading home to west aussie inFeb, going to York where my ancestors settled- the Gaults where among the first to settle at York. The offl down to Albany to see my parents. Hoping to visit afew relatives and friend while over. Hoping you are not suffering fromthe heat too. Much please keep intouch. I do not mind if you email me at my perosnal email as it is mainly used from family tree. Happy New Year regards dawn

    Tuesday 8th Jan 2013, 06:05AM
  • Hi Alison,

    going through old emails and contacts and was wondering how you are going with your family tree?

    My trip to w.a. in feb was great went to york and did alot of cemetry visiting and photos. Have just received alot of info on another line- Linto, one of the daughters of Robert and Eliza Gault - Jane married a Linto.

    I still keep hunting fopr any photos or stories.

    My emial address is

    Would love to correspond with and see if we can help each other

    Regards Dawn

    Friday 15th Nov 2013, 03:27AM

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