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Looking for any record regarding family...susan and Mary Poe/Prue born about 1869 in Carnmoney... Unknown parents.  We do know that these girls were raised by their grandparents- McGill ...Susan married John McClintock 1866, and immigrated to USA the same year. They were called 'the McGill girls''.  

Word of mouth gives Susan last name as Poe, however the family bible written by Susan has it written as  Prue, or Proe , or Powe 

thank you

Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 03:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • A marriage between John McClintock & Susan Magill (note surname) is registered in Belfast 1866 Vol 11, page 475. I suspect that's your Susan. If you purchase a copy of that certificate, you may get some additional information on the couple.

    You can also purchase a transcript from the UHF site. It has the marriage listed twice. Once with no father for Susan (which generally indicates she was illegitimate and her father?s name was unknown) and again with Andrew as the father?s name. I can?t really explain that. You would probably need to look at the two entries. One may be a church record and the other from the civil records.

    The two girls births are before the start of statutory birth registration (1864) and so you would need to rely on church baptism records to find their births. To do that you need to know what denomination they were and which church their mother attended. Do you have any ideas about that?



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 05:15PM
  • Elwiyn

    thank you for your info.. I will follow up.. I do know John McClintock was born in Creavery township, parish and county of Antrim.. The family was Catholic, and that the priest''s name was Rev Curoc... Which was a phonetic spelling  I believe... 

    Thank you so much though!  Recently came upon our family bible (1866) with this info...and of course it is all foreign to me.  Just today I realized , that John's birth place was  parish AND county of Antrim... A good reason why I could not find Creavery by itself.


    Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 05:46PM
  • Adrienne,


    I had a look in Griffiths but cannot see any McClintock household in Creevery in the 1860s. I suspect they were agricultural labourers who had a small cabin that was not listed. If so they probably moved on after a few years. They'll be quite hard to trace. The area your family lived was in the RC parish of Drummaul (ie around Randalstown) until 1873, when the parish was split and a new parish of Antrim was created. So for births and marriages prior to 1873, you need to search Drummaul's parish records.

    There was a McClintock in Creevery in 1901 but she was a Presbyterian, and a servant (and so not necessariy born there), so probably no relation.…



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 08:02PM
  • Thank you!  You have helped me quite a bit! 


    Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 08:08PM
  • Thank you so much for your help.  Between you leading me to Randlestown, and the family bible saying my ancesters were married by a Father Curoc  or Curoe, I was able to find him at the church at the correct time and wrote for records!  Found my ggreat grandfather baptis, as well as his sisters, and the names of god parents. so thank you very much!

    Tuesday 6th Jan 2015, 11:49AM
  • Glad to have helped.




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 6th Jan 2015, 04:06PM

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