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How would one find a ancestor that may have been a priest in ireland...Some of my family was told that there was a couple of dougherty's that may have served as Roman catholic priest.  I just don't know who would been and i'm not finding much on the subject.  I know they may have been in belfast and or surrounding areas..I'm just at a lost.

hope someone can answer  this for me


Thursday 12th Feb 2015, 11:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • You don?t say precisely when your ancestors may have been priests. The first RC church in Belfast opened in 1784. (pp was Father O?Donnell). I looked in the 1911 census. There were over 1300 RC priests listed in Ireland but none named Dougherty (or similar). You could try contacting Maynooth University which is where many priests in Ireland would have trained, to see what records they have of anyone of that name. They started training priests in 1795. (Prior to that training would have been overseas eg in Rome).


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 13th Feb 2015, 09:44AM

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