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      I'm researching the Hanlons of Kerry but recognise that at some time they must have moved southwards to Kerry from Armagh. Does anyone have any knowledge of this move and when it was?


Ken Duckett

Hi I'm not quite sure how to just post a new post. I'm searching for my Stack family members related to
the Buckley families in Limerick.
Mrs Marie Lyons, Ballygoughlin, Glin Limerick
Mrs Catherine O'Rourke, O'Rourkes Cross,Bruree Limerick
Patrick Buckley Hardingrove, House, Bruree Limerick
Probably originating in North Kerry
Any help would be great


Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 02:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Ken

    How recently and far back are your records of Hanlons in Kerry?   Are many records available for the family in Armagh?




    Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 08:23PM
  • The births/christenings go back to the 1770's at a stretch, I'm looking back to about 1809 at present but wondered when the clan arrived as I do not know when the first group/s arrived there. It does not seem to have been a major family in Kerry in the past.


    Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 09:22PM
  • The births/christenings go back to the 1770's at a stretch, I'm looking back to about 1809 at present but wondered when the clan arrived as I do not know when the first group/s arrived there. It does not seem to have been a major family in Kerry in the past.


    Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 09:23PM
  • Dear Ken
    I think your reply disappeared, did you mention the name of a book?

    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 12th Nov 2014, 01:40PM
  • Dear Clare,

    All of Ken's and my posts since Ken's of 24th October (above) are missing. I've not seen removal of posts previously.  What would the reason for that?




    Wednesday 12th Nov 2014, 08:48PM
  • I'm not sure Eire - I did delete some spam (not you) from this thread and may have caught your posts there too, but I though I made sure to be very careful. I did notice that one of your posts was missing here and asked Ken about it. There may have been some sort of IT glitch.

    Can you/Ken remember your conversation thread and repost at least the book title?
    My apologies about this
    Genealogy Support

    Friday 14th Nov 2014, 01:12PM
  • Hi Clare, There must have been a a batch of spam message. By going through my 'deleted' box the earliest I have is post #42190. [] Then they go by ones, up to #42194. After that, it jumps to #42232 [] The XO IT-team will have backed up the database and can retrieve (reinstate) the missing set. Hope this is helpful. Ken's book reference will be useful to other readers. Eire2Go


    Friday 14th Nov 2014, 08:17PM
  • Hi,

    I am an O'Hanlon & my father came from Armagh . I am trying to trace my family history.

    Thanks Teresa

    Wednesday 7th Jan 2015, 01:16AM

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