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My ancestors Thomas Mawhinney and Hannah Pillar lived in Ballymyre and left there for Australia in 1853.

Thomas was born in 1796 in county Armagh. He married Hannah Pillar (b. 1799)  in 1820.

Thomas' parents were Thomas and Elizabeth, Hannah's were John and Hannah.

Thomas and Hannah had eigtht children:

William - b. 15 Nov 1822. Ballymyre.

Elizabeth - b. 7 Aug 1825, Ballymyre.

Thomas - b.Aug 1828, Ballymyre

Ellenor - b. 19 Jul 1831, Ballymyre

Samuel - b.1 Mar 1835, Ballymyre

Agrnes - b.15 Nov 1837, Ballymyre

Marion (Mary) - b.13 May 1840, Ballymyre

one other child, name unkown.

The family emigrated to Australia in groups as follows:

Elizabeth married John McBurney in Armagh in 1847, they arived in Sydney in 1848 on board the "Canton".

Siblings William and Ellenor (my great, great grandmother) arrived in Sydney in 1850 on board the Emily".

Thomas and his wife Jane arrived in Brisbane in 1853 on board the "John Fielden"

Parents Thomas and Hannah with children Samuel, Agnes and Mary arrived in Port Fairy in 1853 on board the "Outhona".

I would love to find out more about this family, what their lives were like in Ireland and why they left.

Any info gratefully received!


cheers Annie

Sunday 16th Jun 2013, 10:22AM

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