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I'm from Australia and chasing up on some ancestory information. 

I understand that a Robert Carroll and Jane Dale married and headed off to Australia, with Robert passing away in 1885 and Jane in 1901 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. They had from what I can gather, three children, William, Ann and James being my Great Grand father.

I have little information from the Irish side and pretty much the same from an Australian perspective and wondering if anyone there has useful information I may build upon. 

In conjunction with this, I am planning to be in Ireland late April, early May, 2014 and was wanting to visit the old family area, whatever that may hold.

Thank you for your help,

Regards, Chris Carroll



Tuesday 31st Dec 2013, 02:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Chris

    There is a marriage record of Robert Carroll & Jane Dale in Armagh 1851 on

    The record will have the parish and MAY have the parents' names. It costs to view the full record on rootsireland but they have 40% off at the moment.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 31st Dec 2013, 08:36AM
  • Many thanks for you response with this Col - I can see I may have a lot of leg work to do here !

    Cheers, Chris C

    Tuesday 31st Dec 2013, 10:59AM

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