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Hoping to find relatives of William Byrne b. 12.25.1843 and married Elizabeth McCann b 5.10.1847 on August 13, 1864 in Lurgan, Armagh, Ireland.

William was a baker and either worked or lived on 5 William Street in Lurgan prior to coming to the U.S.  He had a brother, Patrick b.9/16/1840 who also came to the US and settled in Pittsburgh, PA.

I believe they emigrated in 1966, as their first child was born in 1865 in Ireland and the second child in 1888 in Pittsburgh.  They then moved to Iowa.

Elizabeth's parents were John and Rachel Poland McCann.  


Any information would be helpful and thank you for having this internet site.


Dawn O'Brien Henry


Wednesday 20th Aug 2014, 05:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Dawn

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I had a look on and there are 2 baptism records for a William Byrne in Co. Armagh; one in 1842 and the other in 1845. You could have a look (or try to see if a search using the parents' names for these William entries yields results for the baptism of a brother Patrick. As rootsireland is a subscription site, I am limited in what I can see there.

    Do you know when they emigrated? I looked on Slater's Directory for Co. Armagh but William is not listed in the Baker entries:

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 26th Aug 2014, 09:11AM
  • Hi

    Have you looked at the Byrne family of Kinnegoe? Kinnegoe is right outside Lurgan and I have George Byrne(s) who married Mary McCann 12/12/54 (first marriage) then married Mary Douglas 22 April 1857.

    George's father was John Byrne of Kinnegoe and Mary McCann's father was Peter McCann ( )

    the 1834 Tithe aplotments show these names for Kinnegoe:
    Byrne, George

    Byrne, John

    Byrne, Thomas

    Byrnes, Allen

    Last name for the family is also spelled Burne in some documents, but it is the same family.

    The Old Shankill Cemetrey has this headstone: Inscription:
    Underneath this tomb lie the remains of the late James Byrne of Kinegoe, who departed this life on the 8th December 1813, aged 65 years Sacred to the memory of the late Mary Ann wife of Benjamin Atkinson of Ballynewry, Co Armagh Esqr daughter to the above named Js Byrne who departed this life the 8th March 1894, in the 97th [sic] year of her age .

    Likely a connection, but I can't say where.

    A possible lineage from my George Byrne is: father John Byrn,
    grandfather James Byrne (abt 1748 in nr Lurgan, Armagh, Ireland Death 8th December 1813 in Kinnego, Lurgan, Armagh, N. Ireland ) ,
    great grandfather James Byrne ( abt 1713 in Ireland ? Death 14 October 1784 in nr Lurgan, Armagh, Ireland ...shankill cemetery headstone: Inscription:
    ILS Here lyeth the body of James Byrne who departed this life October ye 14th 1784 aged 71 years . )

    My George Byrnes also appears to have had the following sons:
    William, George, Thomas& John. I only have dates for John (18 April 1857 in Kinnego, Lurgan, Armagh, Ireland Death 2 December 1889 in New York City, New York, USA )
    John Married Selena Grace Whitfield

    Hope this helps a little ...



    Wednesday 15th Oct 2014, 04:17AM
  • Hi Dawn,

    There is a W Byrne and Ellen McCann as witnesses on my great-great-grandparents marriage record in Nov 1853 in Shankhill Parish, Lurgan, Co. Armagh.

    My g-g-gfather is George Byrne (b. about 1833), who married Hannah Jane Lynch (1831). I have always assumed this W Byrne is most likely his brother, but have not been able to find information on the family. George & Hannah emigrated to Australia in 1854.

    Hannah's sister Margaret Lynch (b.1839) m. Bernard McCann. They had 4 children I know of Charles (n.d.), Ellen (b.1866), Felix (b.1867) & Catherine (b.1870).

    I don't know if that helps you at all, but there must be a connection there somewhere?   Good luck :)



    Wednesday 10th Dec 2014, 08:36AM

    William's parents were Roger and Rose Feran Byrne.  I cannot find much on them except they are listed in the US census as parents of William.  

    Can Armagh have been so large that the relatives of others on my posts could not be related?  I know little of Ireland yet and am trying to be smarter!  

    Thank you for your interest in my journey.  Much appreciated. I also am not on rootsireland, as it costs more than I care to try for yet.  They emigrated in 1867 to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.  Brother Patrick stayed and raised his family in Pittsburg, but William brought his wife and two daughters to Iowa.  Why?  I'll never know.  



    Friday 19th Dec 2014, 02:51AM


    Thank you for your response...we all must somehow be big could Armagh county have been back in the 1850's and so.    I have learned that William and Patrick's mother was Rose Feran and she and their father, Roger Byrne, stayed in Ireland. I wonder if they had more siblings?  Cousins?  They must have.  Oh  I wish I knew....

    McCann-Byrne names are quite common, and nice I think.  I will keep your information in mind as I search, as I hope you do for me.  We can do this!


    Friday 19th Dec 2014, 02:57AM
  • Sorry to be so tardy in responding to everyone's kind remarks. My Byrnes immigrated in 1866-1967.  Not found in Ellis Island and no Philadelphia or New York connections made.  Unfortunately not seeing any Lynch's in the mix at this point.  There is a Thomas Byrne also as a brother to Wm and Patrick.  Roots Ireland would be a good start for me and I"ll have to give in an join!!

    Thanks everyone... Dawn







    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 07:53PM

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