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Searching for info on Sullivan family in Kilquiggan. Julia Sullivan b.Feb.1866  d. Mar. 1939 immigrated to Ontario, Canada  about 1886. She married Joseph Taylor, Lurgen, Ireland. Her sister Kate Sullivan b. Sept. 9, 1875  d. June 17, 1948 immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio USA. She married Patrick Cunningham. 

Monday 9th Feb 2015, 08:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Joyce:

    I looked on the Roots Ireland indexes and found some baptismal records which may be your family. They were in the Clonmore RC church. The parents were John and Bridget.

    1859 Margaret

    1861 Judith

    1863 Catherine

    1868 Mary

    I also located an 1858 marriage for a John Sullivan to a Bridget (could not determine her maiden name) in the same church.

    I know the years of birth for Judith and Catherine are much earlier then your records but it is possible they made themselves younger when theycame to America.

    I could not locate a Kilquiggan townland but did find St. Finain's church in Kilquiggan which is a sub-church to the church in Clonmore.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Feb 2015, 09:23PM
  • Thank you for your reply. Have been distracted with another family search. Birth dates do not seem correct, but their parents were John and Bridget. So the treasure hunt continues...Joyce Brown

    Saturday 25th Apr 2015, 04:36PM

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