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I am looking for information about my ggg-grandmother Catherine Wall, born about 1798 to Dowling and Sarah Wall of OldLeighlin (Wells). Per church record Sarah Payne and Dowling were married 24 Nov 1793, both of the Parish of Wells.  There is some confusion about Catherine as I have not been able to locate a baptism record for her, but have found one for a Hannah (1798) and the rest of the 13 Wall children.  No additional records have popped up for Hannah, but have for Catherine including her marriage to John Colclough 1818 and again for their daughter Sarah Catherine's baptism in 1819.  Was Hannah and Catherine the same person, or could they be twins?  Other US Wall family researchers appear to confuse these two names.

Sarah Catherine Colclough is my gg-grandmother.

I have found Griffins Evaluation records of Dowling Wall and some 1858 court records for Nicholas, a son.

If anyone can help me resolve the question about Catherine and Hannah and/or provide more information about Dowling and Sarah Wall I would be very appreciative.  






Saturday 31st Dec 2016, 07:49AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I don't think that Catherine and Hannah could be one and the same. I would consider that Hannah would have more in common and would be used interchangeably with other names like Anne/Ann/Anna/Nora etc and Catherine with Katherine/Katie/Cathy/Kitty or maybe Kay for example. 

    There are some gaps in the baptism records for Leighlinbridge between Jan 1783 and Dec 1819. Certainly until you have more to go on I would consider them to be two different people.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 6th Jan 2017, 12:22PM

    Dear Clare,

    Thank you for your reply and my apologies for such a delayed response to you.  I will continue the search for Catherine Wall and John Colclough.  Sofar the only records found is of their marriage and the baptismal of their daughter, Sarah Catherine, also in Co.Carlow at the site.   I have found a strong possibility of a John 1794 baptismal in St. Mary's, Kilkenny.  It can be discouraging and I may have to settle for the information I have gathered about my ancesters.  When I started my search I knew nothing except that my grandfather Hutchinson said we were Irish.  I have discovered my gggrandfather James T. Hutchinson, his wife Sarah Colclough and their small daughter arrived in Canada 1838 and had 13 children.  I have made contact with 4 decendents of those 13 and none of them knew anymore about the family.  I have found no verifiable information about the Hutchinson side at all.  But...I know more about the family now than I did 10 years ago much to the thanks of, other organizations and the digitized world of records so am happy with what I have learned.  I will continue searching and hopefully may actually get to visit Ireland some day.  Please know that that I appreciate Irelandxo's efforts in helping people like me to feel more closely connected to Ireland through the stories shared.  Thank you and all the volunteers for your help.


    Oregon, USA



    Saturday 14th Jan 2017, 06:31PM

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