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Hello,My name is Robert Tully.I've done some research and found that my Great Great Grandfather Patrick Tully was born in 1824 and died 3/16/1890 at the age of 66 yrs.Catherine was born in 1846,lived in Knockahista and married Patrick on 9/22/1871.She later died on 1/17/1884 at age 55.During their marriage they had 3 children.One of them being my Great Grandfather Edward who was Baptised in the Roman Cathlic parish of Kilmore on 7/12/1874.The Family home is recorded as the townland of Pullabawn/Pollabane.Now,Patricks fathers name was James Tully and Catherine Gaffneys fathers name was Patrick Gaffney.I'd like to go back further and find out information on these men.My Great Great Great Grandfathers,James Tully and Patrick Gaffney .Thanks for any help.

Tuesday 26th Nov 2013, 08:37PM

Message Board Replies


    The 1821 census for the parish of Kilmore has survived (copies in PRONI Belfast and the National Library, Dublin) and so you might get a little information from that, but you are at that point in Irish research where getting back any further is very difficult.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 26th Nov 2013, 11:40PM
  • I'll try the 1821 census and see how I make out.Any Idea on how I can find out if I have any Relatives living in Cavan County or Kilmore parish? I'd love to make a connection.

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 12:41AM
  • There was a Patrick Tully farming in Pollabane in 1857, near a Phillip Gaffney, in Griffiths Valuation. You could follow them up in the Valuation records (which are not on-line) in the valuation office in Dublin to see when they left and who replaced them.…

    There are no Tully or Gaffney families in either Knockahista or Pollabane in the 1901 census, so it looks as though your family moved about a bit or left Ireland.

    There?s 305 Tullys and 601 Gaffneys in Cavan in that census, so quite a few to choose from. You could try advertising in local papers but few people alive today in Ireland would know their family history back to the early 1800s. You would probably need to employ a researcher to group the families in the 1901 census and try tracing back and forward. Quite a task, especially when you consider the high level of emigration in the 19th century. The local RC parish records don?t start till 1859 so that won?t make it any easier.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 08:07AM
  • Hi Ahoghill Antrim,Oh boy,it sounds like I have my work cut out for me!! I'd like to thank you for all the help and information you've given me. It's a shame that families lost touch with each other over the years.Please keep me in your thoughts and continue to pass along anything you might find.Have a great upcoming Holiday season!! Thank you Robert Tully.

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 11:18AM

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