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I'm doing ancestry researches.  My researches link to William Rusk married to Margaret in 1805 or 1806.  They would be from the Parish of Knockbride in the county of Cavan.  William may be born in 1783 and Margaret in 1785.  They would arrive in Canada in the province of Quebec may be accompanied by their son William, estimately born in 1807.  Do you have any information regarding these personns.

Thank you for your help to come.


Guy Brindamour

Monday 9th Dec 2013, 05:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Guy,

    I have a Rusk contact in Canada who has done quite a bit of research on Rusk families who emigrated from these parts. If you drop me an email I will forward you his contact details. Regards, Leslie


    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 05:55PM
  • Hi Les,


    Thank you for your reply.  You may send me mails to  Other ideas for help me in my researches.


    414 454 4852

    Wednesday 11th Dec 2013, 05:02PM

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