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Good afternoon Ireland!

I am a new member to County Armagh, having recently joined Co. Connought & Co. Cavan.

I am the Great Great Granddaughter of Isabella Bell - born about 1831, in County Armagh & the daughter of a Prebyterian Minister.

Isabella was marreid when she was about 19, in 1850, to Samuel Quoyle b 1826 in Co. Cavan, a Catholic & National School teacher & they lived in Bailieborough Co. Cavan. The Bell family cut all ties with Isabella & disapproved of the marriage.

John Quoyle, Samuel's father, appears in the Griffith Registration as John Quale at a property called Beglieve in the Parish of Knockbride.

I know Isabella died a few years after Samuel on June 5 1908. She & Samuel had 10 children, three of whom were unmarried & lived in the family home in 1911 according to the census.

Their second son, John Samuel, left home at age 14- 15 & eventaully made his way to Australia at age 22 settling in Rockdale in southern Sydney, NSW. His son James Michael's eldest child Margaret Mary was my mother. My maiden name was Rochford.

I have looked in many places including, Griffiths Registration, Birth, [post 1864]  Death & Marriage records in Ireland & PRONI in Northern Ireland looking for Presbyterian ministers & parishes. My biggest problem is that I know neither her parents names nor where exactly she was born. The last four or five Quoyle children's births were registered by the info I've seen on line does not give any family details for Isabella.

Am I hoping for too much? Will I have to give up on this branch of my tree?

I would be grateful for any info you may be able to offer & I'm good at researching so would only need to be pointed in a direction.e.g a list of Presbyterian ministers & their Parishes c1830. I understand that churches within the same Parish were designated numbers like Presbyterian1, 2 3 etc.

Thank you for your time

Kind regards from Australia to Ireland!

Isobel K


Saturday 2nd Mar 2013, 03:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Isobel, 

    Were you able to make contact with Cavan Genealogy?

    I have also contacted another person & I hope he can help, I sent your details to him..

    Regrds Carmel 

    Bailieborough Cavan

    Saturday 2nd Mar 2013, 10:34AM
  • Hello Carmel & thank you for your reply.

    I have registered with Ireland Reaching Out for Co Cavan & Co Connought but those posts I was only looking for the Quoyles - sometimes spelt Quale - The Bells are a bigger mystery than that!

    How do I make contact with Cavan Genealogy?

    Thanks for the help!



    Saturday 2nd Mar 2013, 11:02AM
  • Hi Isobel,

    You can contct Cavan Library, where they have some excellent Historians & Cavan Genealogy is in the same building.


    Cavan Genealogy,

    1st floor,
    Johnston Central Library,
    Farnham Street,
    Cavan Town,
    County Cavan.
    Tel: +353 (0)49 4361094
    Fax: +353 (0)49 4331494


    Regards Carmel

    Bailieborough Cavan

    Saturday 2nd Mar 2013, 11:57AM
  • Thanks Carmel!

    I'll send an email off to Cavan Genealogy & see what comes up!

    Its so exciting to be unravelling all these elusive ancestors! I have very little to go on except family stories & as i've found over time - these stories can border on fiction after a few tellings!!!

    I'm concentrating on my father's family - Rochfords from Wicklow & the Quoyles, my mother's family, from Bailieborough. Isabella Bell, for whom I'm named, is a complete mystery! I'd like to crack the code & really be able to have some solid infomation to go with her photo!

    Thanks again!



    Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 12:09AM
  • Hello Isobel,

    I read your query earlier and Carmel also passed it on to me, I have some details about a Presbyterian minister by the name of Rev. William Bell, who ministered here in Bailieborough. Below is taken from a church history I'm compiling at the moment. Regards, Leslie.


    The Ministry of Reverend William Bell


    William Bell was born near Castlecaulfield, County Tyrone in 1789. He was educated in Scotland and at the Rev. John Rogers Academy, Cahans, Co. Monaghan.  Licensed by Lower Tyrone Presbytery in 1811 and ordained February 1st 1814 in Second Bailieborough Secession Church. Rev. William Bell was Moderator of the Secession Synod 1824/25. He is listed in the Tithe Applotment Book of 1826 as having over 22 acres of land in Drumbannon townland, rated at £1.2s.0d In 1827 he took charge of a Mission Station at Seafin.

    He was described as ‘‘being like Saul, he stood head and shoulders above common men, his outward form was but the reflex of the inward man’’ Retiring in 1862 he had served his congregation well for fifty five years. In Griffiths Valuation of 1856 he held over 33 acres of land with house and offices from Sir John Young, with an annual rated value of £26.6s.0d and a further 18 acres in Galbolie valued at £7.0s.0d.  The Rev. William Bell died June 3rd 1869 and is buried in Urcher graveyard, his headstone inscription reads:

    Sacred to the Memory of the Reverend William Bell for 55 years Pastor of this congregation born in 1789 ordained in 1814 he died 3rd of June 1869 in his 81st year he was a faithful Minister a true friend and an honest ………. founder of truth his prayers were full of platitude as a preacher he was pointed and evangelical and his long life was a constant and bright example of what he taught Peace to his memory. This monument was erected to him by his affectionate sister R.J. Bell  


    Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 12:16AM
  • Thank-you Leslie helping Isobel, you a a great source.. Carmel

    Bailieborough Cavan

    Monday 4th Mar 2013, 06:07PM
  • Attached Files
    bell john.JPG (23.71 KB)

    Hi Isobel, found a Rev. John Bell from Co. Armagh.

    from Belfast Newsletter, May 5th, 1882



    Tuesday 18th Oct 2016, 02:24PM

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