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In searching for the parish my ancestors came from I was told to try Lavey by Paddy Conaty, the deputy mayor of Cavan Town.  So if anyone has any records or a new place to search I would appreciate it tremendously.  I am planning a trip in August 2013 and would like a contact or a place to start.  Are there Catholic church records in Lavey?  Does anyone know the name of the Catholic church in Lavey?  Any information would be wonderful.

Serching for Richard or John Conaty born  around 1804 or any Conaty families from 1760 to 1830.

Thank You


Rebecca Conaty Bruce

Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 02:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Rebecca:

    Here is the link to St. Dympna's RC church in Lavey which includes an e-mail address. A reference book I have indicates that the Lavey church records start in 1867 which is too late for you but I would still contact the church. Enjoy your trip to Ireland!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 03:27PM

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