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I believe that my ancestor, Peter Vincent Murray was baptised or born 23 June 1814.  The story that I heard was that he was the second son and therefore was not entitled to inherit.  He therefore left for America before the famine hit.  I believe he left about 1835 and arrived in Ontario Canada.  He later settled in the state of Illinois, USA; owning property by 1839.  I have been told that the names George, John, and James are in his family.

 He married Mary Cummins or Coumans or Commina.  Although raised Catholic, he married a Protestent, either Presbyterian or from the Church of Ireland.  I beieve she was born in 1819 in County Cork.  I believe they likely met on the ship to Canada and married on ship or in Canada, but I have searched online records in Ireland, England, Canada, and most of the US for a record of their marriage with no luck.

Do you have any information about Peter?  I had a story once that mentioned this parish.  Thank you.


Monday 25th Nov 2013, 04:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Katie

    There is a record of the marriage of Peter Murray to a Mary ---- in Cavan in 1823 on

    There are 4 baptism/birth records for Peter Murray in Cavan 1800 + - 20 years:  1812 1819 1819 & 1820

    Sorry Katie none of these seem to match what you have and the marriage and birth records don't match up either

    You might want to have a look at the Tithe Applotments which are free to search online; there are 131 Murrays in Cavan 1826 including 2 Bernards in Mullaghlea


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 25th Nov 2013, 09:47PM
  • Col,

    Thank you so much for the information even though it is a little discouraging!  I will try again.  I will look at the TA you mention as soon as I figure out what that means!!??  I am a slow American...I am guessing your tip would show other parishes in Caven...Can you tell that I am new at this!


    Monday 25th Nov 2013, 10:19PM
  • .I realized my sister Katie may be the author of the above and just ran across this site because of her inquiry. Thanks Katie! I have a different birthdate for Peter Vincent Murray that may match your records. The date: June 27th 1812. Does that fit better?Thank-you for your time and help. Kevin Murray



    Monday 2nd Jul 2018, 12:26AM

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