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I have information (1992) from Clare Heritage Center suggesting that my King family lived in the parish of Tubber, Co. Clare in the mid 1850's and that their market town was Gort.  Records from Co. Clare were helpful but sketchy, leading me to ask if there is any  information about the parishes outside Galway whose people came to Gort for market purposes.

  I would give a lot to be young enough to join / copy your grand

and wonderful work. Bless you on your way, what you are doing

is long overdue.

  Sincerely,  Mary J.Maginity

Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 03:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • Thank you for your message.

    You may want to inquire on the Gort page of this website.

    kind regards,

    genealogy support


    Monday 11th Feb 2013, 03:17PM

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