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Read the article in "The Clare Champion" re: the geneolgy connection project. Great idea! 

As many I am close to my roots, however, hit the wall when attempting to locate the locale and parish.  Our family in total from "Clare" left for the US 1847-1850. What is the approach to find roots in Clare re: US. Irish. Have excellent documentation re: landing dates and US trail, and associated names in Clare. Have researched when in Clare and walked the graveyards, however because our name is "Lynch" and "Burk" very hard to uncover the parish without help. Look forward to hearing from you re: approach and how to connect with it.

Cy Lynch

Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 12:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • It would help if you had the first names,  as it would be impossible to make a start.  Don't know if you have tried ship passenger lists.

    Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 06:28PM

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