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This is an update on my Harhen and Long posts from 2013.

I have established that three of my great grandparents were baptised in Inagh Parish thank to the National Library of Ireland's release of digitised records last year and a Parish Priest in the past who indexed the registers between 1850 and 1865. A lucky break!

My ancestors are:-

Michael Harhen (Haren) was a son of Thomas and Bridget nee O'Connell and was baptised on 19 August 1860, the family lived at Letterkelly. There were at least 8 children of which three came to Australia. Michael emigrated in mid 1880s to Queensland Australia and married another of my Inagh ancestors, Mary Marrinan. 


Mary Marrinan was a daughter of Cornelius and Honora nee O'Gorman and was baptised on 30 Juky 1864, the family lived at Illaunbaun/Derrymore.  There were at least 9 children of which four came to Australia and the youngest son Cornelius went to USA. Mary emigrated around 1890 to Queensland Australia and married Michael Harhen in 1891.  Did they know each other before emigrating?  Michael and Mary are my father's maternal grandparents.  


Michael Long was a son of James and Bridget nee Rynne and was baptised on 21 August 1859, the family lived at Ballyea South.  Not to be confused with the other Ballyea near Ennis!  The surname is occasionally spelt as Longe in some records .There were at least 8 children and it seems only a son John remained in Ireland with 6 emigrating to Australia and one, son Thomas, to USA.  Michael emigrated in early 1880s to Queensland Australia and married a girl from Tipperary (Ellen Dwan).  Michael & Ellen were my mother's paternal grandparents. 


I do have some more details on each family but I am keen to learn more about their lives in County Clare. Fro example the name Rynne comes up in both the Long and Marrinan familes, so were they related in some way?  Did Michael & Mary know each other before they emigrated?


Would love to hear from anyone who is connected or has information on these families.


Kind regards

Michael Barker



Michael B

Friday 26th Feb 2016, 01:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Michel

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out - I hope someone researching the family name will be in touch with you. 

    In the meantime have you had a look at the Clare Local Studies Library- it is a great resource for anyone with ancestors from Clare:

    It may not be possible to ascertain if the above family knew each other before meeting and marrying but generally people would have remained in their home parishes and this was where they went to school and mass and socialised. Usually the trip to the US or Australia or the UK was one of the only times they actually left the parish or indeed the county. 

    Let us know if you manage to make a connection!

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 25th Mar 2016, 02:26PM
  • Thank you Clare for your response.  I have recently discovered that there was a history of Inagh Parish called:-

    " Inagh and Kilnamona History of the Parish of Inagh and Kilnamona
    By Seamus Mac Mathuna with contributions from many others
    Published in 1966.

    And there may have also been anothe history published in 2011 by Flan Garvey.

    Do you know if either of these publications are readily available and would either be of any help for my research into my Inagh ancestors.

    Thank you once again for your help.

    Kind regards,


    Michael B

    Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 07:52AM
  • Hi Michael

    I love local history publications - while they may not tell you detailed info about an actual ancestor they can provide valuable info about the social, political and economic conditions of the time. I haven't been able to find a reference to those books online so your best bet would be to contact the Clare Local Studies Librarian who I'm sure will be able to provide a more exact answer for you:

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 02:33PM
  • Attached Files

    I am a descendant of the O'Loughlins from Ballyea South living in Asutralia.  have Longe and Marrinan peple in my tree.  The Longe connection is quite well documented but I an seeking to clarify the link to the Marrinan family. I have visited my O'Loughlin relatives in Ballyea South and tracked down a fair number of the family.  Much of it becomes a little vague as they do not have a good knowledge of the family tree.  From what I can gather a Michael O'Loughlin (b1866) married a Marrinan.  He is the son of Michael (b1917?) and a Mary Croker or Crocker - my relatives arent sure which.   f anyone could throw some light on this I would be grateful.





    Mike O'Loughlin

    Sunday 31st Jul 2016, 02:40AM

    Hello Mike,

    I can't view your whole screenshot. Could you tell me the names of your Longe a and Marrinan ancestors. My great grand mother on my Father's side was a Marrinan from Derrymore and my great grandfather on my other's side was a Longe from Ballyea South. Both settled in Queensland in late 1800s.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Michael Barker



    Michael B

    Sunday 31st Jul 2016, 11:57AM
  • Hi Michael my name is Margaret Glennon i just discovered this web site.  Wondered if my family is related to the O'Loughlin family you have mentioned in Ballyea South County Clare.  My O'Loughlin are connected through the O'Gorman family.  My Great grandfather and grandmother (Catherine O'Loughlin) came to South Australia in 1883 after getting married in Ireland they had 10 children here is South Australia. I have managed to contact the O'Gorman side of the family in Maurice Mills but not been successful in regards to the O'Loughlin family.  I think there maybe some connection Catherine's father name was Michael and was a farmer I have their marriage certificate. Would appreciate any information.  I looked at your screen shot but it did not all come up.  I notice you live in Australia as I do so we might be able to communicate and get information.  

    Regards Margaret Glennon


    Thursday 31st Aug 2017, 09:06PM
  • I juste wanted  to add some information here. I am one of the Rynnes from Clouna South. My mother was Bridget Conlon whose parents were Peter Conlon and Bridget Longe from Ballyea South.

    My father was Michael Rynne. Peter and Bridget Conlon had 3 children, Mary, my mother and Patrick who died a young man from meningitis. Mary married Paddy Rynne from the area around Likeen lake.

    Mary and Paddy have and son John and a daughter Mae Rynne still living in Inagh.

    Bridget Longe ( I am using her maiden name to keep things simple) had a sister who married Mr. O'Loughlin, not sure of first name, in Ballyea South.  The only children I remember were Francie who stayed on the farm, John Joe who lived just a few miles up the road and Kathleen who married Tommy Rynne in Clouna North.

    Clouna is spelled Clooney, Corcomroe in the Clare Library.

    Friday 10th Nov 2017, 10:25PM



    I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to the posts.  I only just received a notification of the last post.  

    In response to Clare Doyle - we are definately the same family.  My 3rd great grandfather was Michael O'Loughlin.  The O'Loughlins I have visited say that his wife was Mary Crocker form Kilkenny.   I have a little bit of info on her.  There is definately some Marrinans in the tree but I have not been able to discern the relationship.

    In response to Margaret Glennon - my 2nd great aunt is Catheine O'Loughlin (baptised 25 December 1861).  She went to South Asutralia with her siblings which included my GGgrandfather Michael O'Loughlin.  According tp my tree her father was Edmond O'Loughlin and her grandfather was Michael O'Loughlin.  They lived in the Maurices Mills or Derry area.  I have visited the farm and know most fo the O'Loughlin family who still ive in the area.    I havr also caught up with some descendants of Sarah O'Loughlin who was Catherines sister.  They lived/live in Streaky Bay.  I am pretty sure they are the same family.  It would be great to compare notes.

    In regard to the post by Brynne - my 2nd great uncle was Thomas O'Loughlin (bapt Sept 1885 and lived in Ballyea South. and died in Maurices Mills.  He married Margaret Longe (b1867). I dont have much information on the Longes but I have extensive inofrmation on the O'Loughlins.  The Rynnes still live in Inagh.  There is Rynnes Pub in the town.  The O'Loughlins still drink there to this day.  I have a photo of the headstones of most of this family including John Joe.

    I would love to compatre notes with people.  My personal email is or just keep the posts coming.

    Micahel O'Loughlin


    Mike O'Loughlin

    Sunday 12th Nov 2017, 09:49AM
  • Hello Michael O’Loughlin,


    I have asked a Marrinan One Name Study Researcher about connections between Marrinans and O’Loughlins in Co Clare. We have found a Michael O’Loughlin and a Marrinan marriage in late 1850s and another marriage in 1890s. But the 1890s marriage is to a daughter of a Marrinan woman, so the Marrinan surname. When do you think your Michael O’Loughlin got married?  You say that you have a number of Marrinans in your tree, if you would like to share their details then I might be able to get some further details for you from his one Name study that is currently underway. If you prefer my email address is Regards, Michael Barker



    Michael B

    Friday 24th Nov 2017, 12:00AM

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