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I am looking for a couple of things.  One, how is the Glinney family connected to the Mulbrandon family?  I see "cousin" on a number of documents from 1870's onward.  Does anyone have a cluie?  Did Charles Mulbrandon have a sister that married a Glinney?  Help!   Two:  Patrick Kelly appears to have been a Feinien that fled in 1859/1860.  There is a record that an Coast Guard station was burned down in Clare during this time and the family story indicated that Patrick was involved.  Any clues?  Also:  Does anyone know a Patrick J. Conway or a Patrick J. Kenney?  Any help with any name would be helpful.



Friday 12th Aug 2016, 03:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    In relation to the burning of the Coast Guard station you may find the Newspaper Archives useful. This link gives an indication of the outrage papers in the National Archives - the CSO papers are online to some degree. The Clare Local Studies Library would also be a good online source. 

    Have you had a look at or to see if you can find any records linking the Glinny and Mulbrandon families? There might be a sponsor or witness on a wedding or baptism that fits the bill. You can use those sites too in your search for Patrick J. Conway and Patrick J. Kenney though the Census might also be good here depending on the time period.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 


    Wednesday 31st Aug 2016, 11:14AM
  • Clare, we tried your suggestions earlier this year and nothing.  I iwll be visiting in April 2017 so perhaps I can find the link at that time.  Best:  Evelyn C. Kelly




    Friday 9th Dec 2016, 07:42PM
  • Hi

    Can you send me an email a couple of weeks before your visit and we can try to arrange for a volunteer to meet with you?

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support

    Monday 12th Dec 2016, 10:39AM
  • Clare:

    I will be in Clare April 2 thru April 5, 2017,  My daughter and I are staying in an AirbnB in Ennis.  We plan on visiing Kilkee, Lisdeen and Ennis.

    I am looking for deeper history on John  Kelly and his wife Bridget Kent (my 2X great grandparents.)  Also, on John's brother Michael.  Also on John and Bridget's son Patrick, my great grand who fled Clare during the "troubles" of the 1850's because he was a wanted man.

    My daughter and I are also trying to connect the Mulbrandon and Glinney families (Charles Mulbrandon and Norry Daly)  

    Also a Martin O'Briee, who shows up in the 1901 census living as a grocer in Kilkee with a daugher Mary Kathleen.  Mary Kathleen emmigrated to Rock Island Illinois to care for her aunt, Ellen Daly Kelly, my great grandmother (who was from Clare)

    Catherine Daly and McMahon are also related.

    My 2X great grandmother is Mary Ronan Daly married to Francis Daly.  There were quite a few children however; we can only trace 1 son and 6 daughters.  We suspect that there were more children.

    Any assistance or insight would be awesome!  My dauigher's cell will work in Irleand. 773-657-0984. email is:

    We are also trying to track the Kenney family from Moore, Roscommen and in Kerry.  Any cluies would be appreciated.  My 2X maternal great grand was Peter Kenney, we believe from Kerry. (widower with a 3 year old at emmigration to Boston1848-1851).,  Thank you!  Evelyn Colleen Kelly

    Sunday 19th Feb 2017, 03:58PM
  • I really wonder what the current situation of the Kenney family is like? Have you followed them from that time until now?



    Tuesday 7th May 2024, 02:32AM

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