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I am searching for any information regarding any of the surnames.  (They are all in my family tree).  We believe that John Kelly and Bridget Kent Kelly had a son Patrick in 1842.  He was purportedly an early Sein Feiner and family lore has it that he had to "stow away" on a ship to America because of his activities.  Story has it that he blew up/burned a barracks of English soldiers.  Patrick married Ellen Daly in Davenport, Iowa in 1869 so I am guessing that Patrick emmigrated in 1858 or so.  Mary Ronan Daly is my great great grandmother.  Her great grandaugher, married her grandson.    Patrick Kenney emmigrated to Rock Island, Illinois and married Margaret Conway, whose father was Patrick J. Conway.  We are trying to confirm.  Also we have a wild card of Margaret  Glinney Brew O'Neal who emmigrated with Mary Mulbrandon in 1871. They were listed as cousins.  I cannot find the cousin connection.  We know that Margaret Glinney stayed in close contact with the Mulbrandon kids and that Margaret raised one of Mary's daughers after Mary died in 1887.  Any information on any of the surnamse of cast of characters would be helpful.  Namsate


Friday 24th Jun 2016, 01:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I am hoping that someone in Kilkee will make a connection with your story. In the meantime, I wondered if you have checked the Irish Newspaper Archives to see if there is any mention of Patrick? It is a subscription site but you can join for a very short period at a reasonable price.

    I have had a look but there are no Kent entries in the Griffith's Valuation for any remaining family. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 15th Jul 2016, 11:44AM
  • It's really difficult to find information from such a long time ago 

    Quick Draw

    Wednesday 8th May 2024, 08:34AM
  • It's really difficult to find information from such a long time ago 

    Quick Draw

    Wednesday 8th May 2024, 08:35AM

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