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It looks like my Kerse family certainly came from this parish especially! I am wonderingif there are still any Kearses, or Kerses in the county? If anyone knows, I'd love to correspond with them and see if we are kin! Let me know at

Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 06:04PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for your message. I?m delighted that you have been able to confirm your ancestors? parish of origin!

    It may be an idea to also place a message such as this in a more local forum such as a newspaper or newsletter, in order to increase the likelihood that someone may reach out to you. I did a quick google search and found some places online where you may be able to do this:

    The Clare Champion:

    The Clare People:

    Clare Herald:

    Clare Courier:

    Clare County Library Forum:

    I hope this suggestion is helpful!

    Best wishes,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 02:05PM

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