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I am looking for information on the children of Catherine and Thomas McNamara who lived in O'Callaghansmills  from at least 1850 to 1910 (maybe before and maybe after- ) My great grandmother was Catherine McNamara and she left Ireland in the 1880s and came to the United States. Her sister also left Ireland about the same time (maybe before Catherine). I believe Catherine and Thomas McNamara were her parents. I beleive her mother's maiden name was O'Donnell and she had a brother Patrick- Any help you can give me in locating information that might verify this would be greatly appreciated. I have pictures of my great grandmother shortly after she arrived in the United states and her sister- Thank you- Andrea Pulido



Saturday 16th Feb 2013, 09:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Andrea:


    i saw your message this evening.  My advice to you is to go onto the Clare County Library website.  They have a lot of very useful genealogical information and a lot of good links that should help you.


    i note that you mention that both Catherine and her sister emigrated in the 1800s.  If their parents were alive, in 1901, they might be in the 1901 Census.  That link is on the website.  


    The address is: When you go onto that site, look through the other links.  There has been a lot of donated material there and it is worth going through --passenger records, graveyards, etc.  


    the very best of luck with your research, and if you need any further info, please do not hesitate to contact me.



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 18th Feb 2013, 10:25PM
  • Thank you - I have done all that - which is how I got some of the information-- I think all that is left for me is to go to Ireland and look for the baptsmas records themselves- which I hope to do in the summer of 2014!-- but I also saw through one of the links on Ireland Reaching out an organization that will do adocument search and a family record/history in Clare for a fee- and someday I may have that done - thank you for your repley- andrea


    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 06:00AM
  • Hi Andrea:


    If you would like me to try to get a copy of that information for you from the local library in Ennis, please let me know.  I am in there very often doing research and there is no cost involved. 



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 09:59AM
  • Yes!- that would be very nice of you and I would appreciate any information you could give me that might verify that the Catherine and Thomas McNamara I found are my great- great gramdparents.

    One record says Catherine was born in Feb of 1865- but she may have been born a year or 2 before-- also one report of her arrival is in 1885, but another report says  1882 - she was married in Chicago Illinois to John Downey in 1889-

    I found a 1901 census in Clare and there was a McNamara family that had a Thomas and a Catherine who had a son Patrick and were the right age to be Catherine's parents. I could not find a record of any other married cuple named Catherine and Thomas in Clare that were the correct age- so I am hoping the family I found is my great grandmother's family/parents.

    thank you for any help you can give me- Andrea


    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 07:53AM
  • Ok, Andrea, I will check that out for you and see what I find.  I will get around to it next week.  Hope that that is okay.



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 21st Feb 2013, 09:35AM
  • Oh course- there is no rush- when ever you have time- I am very grateful for your help!- andrea


    Friday 22nd Feb 2013, 03:58AM
  • Hi Andi:


    I'm only getting back to you now and my apologies.  I was talking with one of the senior citizens in the O'Callaghan's Mills parish.  Were the McNamara family that you think that you might be related to shoemakers?  I note that there are McNamaras in the 1901 Census that are listed as same.  Please let me know.  I may have some information for you.


    Kind Regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 21st Apr 2013, 07:11PM
  • No need to apologize - I appreciate any and all work you are doing-- Yes I believe that is the family-shoe/boot makers- I saw the census  and one record I looked at showed that they had 7 living children and only 4 were living with them- I was trying to find out if one of those not living with them was a daughter named Katherine who was born  about 1865 and left for the US around 1885- that would be my great-grandmother Katherine McNamara Downey who married John Downey in Chicago in 1888

    The information given by my mother's cousin was that Katherine's parents were Thomas and Katherine McNamara from Clare ( I believe Katherine's, the mother, maiden name was O"Donnel) and that my great-grandmother had a brother Patrick in Ireland but a sister had also moved to the US- My grandfather was named after his father- but he had a brother named Michael so there may have been someone in Katherine's family named Michael-- without access to baptismal certificates or other info I have not been able to verify that this is my great grandmother's family- but I coud not find anyother family in Clare on any of the census or other info I could get that had a Thomas and Katherine McNamara of the right age with a son Patrick  and lived in county Clare.

    Hope this provides enough information to clarify anything you have found-- and again- there is no rush anything you can do and whenever you can do it is greatly appreciated- andrea



    Sunday 21st Apr 2013, 08:30PM
  • Dear Andrea:


    Yes, your cousin was right.  There was a Michael McNamara known as Mickey Mac the shoemaker and his place is still standing!  This woman can recall going into the shop after school.  I am to speak with her in the next week or so. Unfortunately, she is not on the Internet but has a lot of local information.  


    I will be in touch again.  


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 09:04AM
  • thank you - I look forward to your reply - best regardsR andrea


    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 03:35AM
  •  Hello Jane- this is Andrea again-- I feel badly because you were looking into things for me and I found out that some of the information my mother had given me was incorrect. She apparently confused the name of her grandfather's father's name with her grandmother's father's name. I was able to get a copy of my great grandmother's death certificate from Chicago and it stated that her father was Micheal McNamara- not Thomas. Her mother's name ws Katherine Gallagher and they were all from Scarriff. I have been able to verify the information now and this is how it stands- My great grandmother was born in Scarriff around 1862 and her name was Katherine McNamara. Her father was Michael McNamara also born in Scarriff and her mother was Katherine Gallagher McNamara- also from Scarriff. _ I have already made arrangement to visit Ireland in August of 2014 and will be spending time in Clare- staying near Tulla and will be visiting Scarriff- hope I can do a little research when I am there - thank you for the research you have been doing and I am very sorry I sent you in the worng direction


    Wednesday 23rd Oct 2013, 04:27AM
  • Dear Andi:


    Don't worry about the misinformation!  I'm glad that you were able to find out more.  I belileve that the Scariff baptismal records are online through the Clare Library website.  If you go to and look in the right-hand corner under Donated Material, you will see a section entitled Births, Marriages and Deaths.  Click this on and you will see what parishes are there.  


    Let me know how you get on.


    I will be looking forward to seeing you in August 2014!


    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 23rd Oct 2013, 06:08PM
  • Cantwells Memorials of the Dead; Clare


    Cloony South cemetery;

    erected by William Mc Namare in memory of his

    brother-John; 18/8/1858 (28)


    erected by Ellen Rodriguez-Tampa USA in memory of her parents

    Thomas Mc Namara; 1869 (52)

    Mary (nee O Gorman); 1916 (92)

    her brother-Tom; 1913 (51)


    Coad cemetery;

    John Mc Namara; Corofin; 7/2/1836 (64)

    great grandson-Michael Mc Namara; (late Derryvet & Ballymarkahan)

    22/12/1722. erected by his son Michael Ano.Dom 1750 and his wife Mary (nee O Hyne); 10/4/1838 (70)


    Pray for the Souls of

    Dr. Michael Mc Namara; 17/2/1892 (85)

    Elizabeth G Mc Namara; 11/2/1897 (72)

    Dr. George Mc Namara; 19/11/1919 (70)

    Elizabeth Unthank; 29/3/1875 (72)

    Margaret Unthank; 8/9/1877 (52)

    Elizabeth G Mc Namara; 5/9/1919 (55)

    Major Michael F Mc Namara; 1/3/1903 (52)

    James Mc Namara; 12/1/1874 (15)

    Henry Mc Namara; 20/2/1876 (18)


    Jack Mc Donald

    Monday 27th Oct 2014, 08:08PM

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