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My Great grandmother has always been a bit of a mystery. I think she was born in Roscrea in 1846. Mother - Mary Kennedy. Father - Michael Conway. There may have been a connection to the Sacre Coeur Convent in Roscrea. I'm reasonably sure that Margret sailed to Australia in 1865 on the "Maryborough". She married my g grandfather, James McMahon in 1867 in Brisbane. They had 11 children . Margaret ran a successful bakery & died in 1918. She named  her home " Templemore". There were 2 Conway cousins , Mary & Margaret who came to Australia to work in the bakery. There was some idea mentioned by relatives that Margaret ran away from Ireland to escape an arranged marriage. Would really like some information about her family of origin. Many Thanks


Saturday 15th Feb 2014, 11:42AM

Message Board Replies

  • Thank you so much for your reply, Eamonn. It is much appreciated. In your opinion, could Margaret ( as a farmers daughter ) have attended the Sacred Heart Convent in Roscrea? Many years ago someone told my uncle that the school was " only for the gentry" , so I have always thought her education there was  a rather fanciful notion. If, however she did attend this school, it may account for the "ladylike manners" attributed to her.

    With regard to the Mary Conway of the court proceedings, I would think it quite likely that she was Margaret's mother ,if only for the reson that Margaret ran a very successful bakery business, which would have required some measure of "toughness". How do you suggest I find the family of Mary? I have searched on many times but to no avail.

    many Thanks

    Denyse ( Darby)



    Friday 21st Feb 2014, 01:09AM
  • Thank you Eammon for your efforts and interest in the search for Margaret's Family. I'm so pleased to hear that the school was open to the non- privileged. I was beginning to doubt those stories fron my mother & aunts. 

    Thanks for looking at the church records - I should have mentioned that about 10 years ago I visited Roscrea & Templemore with my husband & one of our sons. The pp in both towns were very helpful, but no records were found. We tried Templemore because of its proximity to Rocrea & because Margaret & James' home was called Templemore. Crazy idea, really.

    I say Margaret was a " farmers daughter " because that is the description on her marriage certificate. One of my aunts used to say M had been a "ladies maid". 

    Today I found a little cluster of Conways in the parish of Youghalarra, Tipperary, in Griffiths Valuation - a James, a Michael , a Dennis & John. There was also a Catherine Conway in Grove Street & a Francis in Limerick Street. Slaters directory of Ireland 1856 has a Thomas Conway in the Main Street as a baker. I have all sorts of scenarios popping into my head - one of which is that Margaret learnt the bakery trade from Thomas. (She did call her firstborn Thomas & her home Templemore )

    I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of "Desert Queen" - I had no idea that Daisy had Roscrea connections.

    i have emailed Joe re the Darby family. Unfortunately I'm a Darbyshire! I thought Darby less cumbersome as a username. 








    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 02:57AM
  • Hello again Eammon. What a day ! I have found my Margaret Conway with the right parents born & baptised in Lismacken Cournaganeen ( Bourney)  20thMarch 1844. A sister Kitty, born 27th Feb1841, baptised 29th Feb 1841. Brother Michael baptised 8thAugust 1846. The latter I found on "Roots Ireland". Then I googled the place names & found a partial transcript of records from Bourney where Margaret & Kitty turned up. What a gift! It's amazing, after so many years. 

    However, this is just the beginning. I've joined the parish of Bourney, but haven't posted there yet. Just wanted to let you know first. 





    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 08:39AM
  • Denyse, is this the Margaret Conway [McMahon] of New Farm Bakery? I am that Margaret's great great grand daughter  [great grand daugter of Thomas  and grand daughter of Alice McMahon]. The information in this post, if I have the right family and it sounds correct, is interesting.

    Thanks, Margaret

    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 12:45AM
  • Hi Margaret,

    Margaret Conway McMahon was my great grandmother. She is indeed the Margaret McMahon of McMahon's Bakery. How amazing to find that her son Thomas was your your great grandfather. Thomas' sister, Mary Bridget was my grandmother. Her daughter, Margaret Anastasia ( Nancye) was my mother. 

    I am guessing that you must be a descendant of  Thomas & Ellen. I live in Brisbane. Where are you?




    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 02:38AM
  • Thank you for replying so quickly. Yes, I was Brian  [Thomas Brian ] and Margaret [Ellen] O'Malley's daughter. Alice  [my father's mother] ws Tom's daughter. I live in Brisabne also. I have been to Margaret's grave at Toowong but know little about her as my father died when I was young and Alice died in the 1940's. I have two photos of a group of women and children on some steps of a house in New farm but havent a clue who they are. Do you have any photos? I also have one of James on horse and baker's cart. I think Veronica [do you know her?] may have given me.

    Would love to know more about them so if you can share anything else would be grateful. But just knowing where Margaret was from is good.

    Have you gone back any further with the McMahon side before James?

    Thanks again for getting back to me....all very exciting



    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 03:28AM
  • Hi Margaret,

    i have sent you an email via this IrelandXO site - I hope you get it



    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 10:13AM

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