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My second great grandfather Patrick is from the county Clare. He was born in 1814. I'm not sure when he came to America but he entered through New York, settled in Bradys Bend, Pennsylvania where he met and married Mary Catherine Parker about 1847. Her parents were James Parker and Catherine Snow.I need help finding out who Patrick was; what is Parish was, who his parents were, etc. Patrick's son Daniel, my great grandfather was born in Butler, Pennsylvania USA in 1854. I appreciate any help you can give me.

Monday 11th Aug 2014, 04:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Daniel:

    You posted on the Kiltenanlea parish page so I did not know if you knew that Patrick was from that parish or not. The Tithe Applotment listings  list 159 Carmody entries for Co. Clare but only one-- Connor in Kiltenanlea parish.…

    The best source for genealogy information in Co. Clare is the Co. Clare library site.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 11th Aug 2014, 06:07PM
  • Daniel:

    Don't know if you saw this posting from last month but someone else is researching Connor Carmody.…

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 11th Aug 2014, 06:10PM
  • Daniel,

    Connor and Judith Carmody were my 3rd Great-Grandparents.  They lived somewhere in the Mt Catherine area and are buried next to the Catholic Church in Bridgetown  They had a son Patrick ( lots of Patrick Carmodys in our descendents) who was born in 1804.  He imigrated to central Michigan with his brothers and are buried there.  Is there a particular reason that you posted in this parish?

    Mike Carmody


    Friday 9th Dec 2016, 08:03PM
  • Hello all,

    I am researching my married family. My husband and I just returned from Ireland, where we had the honor of visiting the Carmody stones at St. Thomas'.
    I am trying to push a bit further back on the Carmody family, and would love any information about them.

    We were fortunate enough to visit when someone was on the grounds, and he informed us that there used to be Carmody's Pub located in or near Bridgetown and that it was run be Bridget and Ellen Carmody. I'm surious if anyone knows anything else about the pub or what happened to the Carmodys who stayed in Ireland. This branch is descended from Michael Carmody, who came to America around 1848.


    Thank you all for your help and time,


    Monday 25th Jun 2018, 05:08PM

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