Buildings from Scarriff (County Clare)

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Scariff Workhouse on Historic 25 inch map (1897-1913)
Scariff Workhouse

Timeline from Scarriff (County Clare)

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O'Briens of Scarriff
8 Aug 2021 08:32
"The Moss" a house in Scarriff
15 Apr 2021 19:05
RIC Head Constable Patrick Doyle
11 Jan 2021 14:49
John Nelson married Margaret Moloney with all children being born in Scarriff, County Clare
31 Oct 2020 22:39

Scarriff (County Clare) Local Guide

Find more information about visiting Scarriff (County Clare) and the local amenities that are available to you.

Pepper's of Feakle
Feakle (Clare) +others Caher Feakle (Clare) Tulla (Clare) Kilnoe (Clare) Scarriff (Clare) Clonlea (Clare)
52.86245280000001 -9.047164500000008 #}

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