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Terence O'Brien married Bridget Whelan on  the 24th July 1827 in the Parish of Doora/ Barefield. Terence gave his address as Ballyallia and Bridget came from Knockaderry. Would like to connect to anyone who is descended from this marriage in Ireland, Their  youngest son, Peter, emmigrated to Australia c1856 and there is a large family of us here in Australia all descended from this Peter O'Brien. We know there was older children from this marriage and names are John, born 1828, Bridget, born1829, Patrick born 1830, Michael born 1832 and Stephen born 1834.

Wednesday 6th Feb 2013, 11:30AM

Message Board Replies




    Thank you for your message. I hope that somone who recognises the family makes a connection with you.


    Have you tried searching in the 1901/1911 census records to see if there were any family members still in the area at the time?  You can search these here:


    It may also be an idea to have a look at Irish Civil registrarion records to see if you can find any births/marriages relating to the family. Civil registration began in Ireland in 1864, the records are available from the General Register?s Office in Dublin. Here is their webiste:

    You can search the indexes to these registers online here:


    You could also try contacting the Clare Heritage Centre for assistance- a fee may apply. Here are their contact details:

    Clare Heritge Centre,



    Phone: +353 (0) 65 6837955            Email:


    I hope this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,       

    Genealogy Support


    Friday 12th Apr 2013, 03:06PM
  • This is my family too, I'm also descended from Peter O'Brien, son of Terence O'Brien and Bridget Whelan. Would be great connect and compare notes!

    Phillip O

    Wednesday 14th Sep 2022, 12:44AM

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