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Looking for any connections or links to the family of Angela Allan (was she in fact Angelina Coyle?) who was present at the death of her aunt Elizabeth Burgess, spinster, who died in her home at Lower Aghada on 5th April 1937. Elizabeth was born in Aghada in 1874, daughter of John Burgess and Abigail Bride.

I'm also searching for the location of the burial of any of the Burgess family who died in Aghada. I have been unable to locate them on cemetery searches. Thank you.  




Thursday 4th May 2017, 08:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Barred_Bandicoot:

    Hello again!

    I will alert our Aghada parish liaisons about your message.

    Let me know if you don't hear back in ten days or so.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 4th May 2017, 04:37PM
  • Thank you Roger!


    Saturday 6th May 2017, 03:47AM

    I have made some progress and now know that in Aghada, 1925 Abina Coyle married Thomas Sawyer, a soldier stationed at Fort Carlisle, Whitegate.

    In 1926 Anna Coyle married David Allen, also a soldier based at Fort Carlisle, Whitegate. 

    Could anyone assist regarding the location of information about the troops stationed at Fort Carlisle in this period and where they originate from? The marriage certificates give no more information other than soldier, Fort Carlisle. 

    As, before, I'm also searching for infomration about the burial places of the Burgess family who died in the 19th and 20th century at Aghada. 

    Thank you!


    Saturday 6th May 2017, 10:04AM
  • The following is some information on the Burgess family of Lower Aghada.

    John Burgess an innkeeper in 1870's according to Cork Past and Present

    Abigail Burgess born Lower Aghada 1840 died 1910

    John Joseph Burgess 1840 -1893 Hotel owner

    Mary Agnes Burgess 1863-1945 

    Hannah Burgess born October 12th 1864

    Abigail Burgess born July 3rd 1868. Her father was John

    The Imperial Hotel at Lower Aghada attached to Mary Agnes Burgess 1863-1945

    Abina Burgess listed in 1901 Census. There was 7 in her family 

    Edward Tucker, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Jul 2019, 12:58PM

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