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My great grandparents on my father's side of the family were Thomas Halloran and Mary Brown.  They were married at Aghada Roman Catholic Chapel on 8th July 1866.  Thomas was listed as a sailor, I know he joined the Royal Navy in 1860 and was born in Cloyne in 1839.  Mary Brown was born in the Cork area in 1842, possibly Cloyne.  She is listed as a labourer, as are both parents, Thomas Halloran and John Brown.  Their residence at the time of marriage is given as East Ferry.  The celebrant was Jerome Beechior (not sure about this spelling).  Witnessess Patrick Neill and Margaret Heuebry.  They moved around England  with the Navy, Devonport in Devon, Tillingham in Essex and retiring in Kingsgate in East Kent.  By this time Thomas was a coastguard.  Mary died in 1909 and Thomas in 1918.  They used various spellings for their surname, Halloran, Halleran, and finally O'Halloran.


I would be interested in where the chapel was, or if it is still standing.


My maternal grandparents were Flanigan/Flanagan but I have not got back to Ireland with my search yet.

Thank you.


Michael O'Halloran.

Friday 31st May 2013, 03:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    I have forwarded it to one of our volunteers in the area. Hopefully he will be able to assist you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support




    Tuesday 25th Jun 2013, 02:18PM
  • Hi Michael,

    Our volunteer M?che?l has come back with the following response:


    Sadly the church is no more(knocked in 1987) but the bell tower is preserved.


    You can give Michael my e-mail address and I will be pleased to send him a photo of same


    If you would like to email M?che?l, please send me a message at and I will forward it to you.


    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 26th Jun 2013, 08:36AM

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