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With my apologies for deviating slightly from the Reaching Out message, I am currently researching an element of Aghinagh and realised that this forum may be the best place for me to get in contact with the community.

I am putting together a book on Belgian-Irish relations and I am researching a former Aghinagh resident for potential inclusion in a section in the book focusing on notable Belgians who had a special significance to Ireland.

The man is Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, a former resident of Aghinagh House (living there from 1951 to 1963), who was certainly a remarkable character, as can be seen on his Wikipedia page here (

His service in the British military is notable, and he was an interesting character by all accounts, but what I am trying to establish is how deep his Irish-connection goes. I know that his mother was Irish, and that he is buried in the grounds of the church adjacent to Aghinagh House.

I was hoping to find any notable contributions he may have made to the community of Aghinagh or even any interesting anecdotes about his time in Ireland and his Irish heritage.

If anyone of the Aghinagh community has any information or contacts that may have information on this particular subject it would be much appreciated if they could pass them on.

Best regards,


Monday 26th Aug 2013, 11:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Aileen,

    Thank you very much for your message-I hope that someone is able to give you some information for your research.

    In the meantime, have you already contacted the local parish priest? If not, it may be a good idea to do so as if he did make any contributions to the parish I?m sure the priest would know of him or at least he may know someone else that may remember him. Here is a link to the parish contact page:

    Best of luck with your research!

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support




    Wednesday 4th Sep 2013, 09:09AM

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