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I am interested in the following O’Briens and would be grateful for any information that you might be able to share with me.

Ellen O’Brien may have been born in Ballymacoda Ladysbridge, Co. Cork, Ireland in May of 1834.  I know she had a brother Maurice who was baptized on the 16 Aug 1836 in Ballymacoda Ladysbridge and whose parents were Laurence O’Brien and Cahterine McArthy.   Another brother Roger was baptized on the 13 Jan 1842 along with a sister Catherine who was baptized on the 21 Jun 1846, both in Ballymacoda Ladysbridge.  There is possibly another brother James who was born around 1840.

Ellen came to the United States in 1848 and first lived in Oswego, NY where she married her husband, James Lendabarker.  They moved to Chicago where Ellen died on the 16 Jun 1910.  She and James had ten children.

Maurice moved to the United States in 1850 and may have lived in Oswego, NY before moving to Illinois and by 1880, to Shiloh, Neosho Co., Kansas where he was a farmer.   He married a woman whose name was Priscilla and they had one daughter, Nellie.  Maurice died in Chicago 15 Oct 1920.

James O’Brien left Ireland for the United States in 1870 and settled in St. Louis, Missouri where he was a typesetter.   He married Annie Donnelly and they had nine children.   James died on the 14 Sep 1905 in St. Louis.

I am planning a visit to Ireland in August and would greatly appreciate any further information about this family. 

Thank you, Susie Brinner

Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 01:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Susie:

    Hello again!

    The RC parish register for Ballymacoda Laddysbridge parish starts November 1835 for baptisms which explains why you did not find a baptismal record for Ellen. There are four civil parishes which corresponds to Ballymacoda RC parish and I did not find a Laurence O'Brien or Brien in the 1852 Griffiths Valuation head of household listings for the parishes. Possibly he was deceased by 1852. I did locate a Catherine Brien in Carrigarostig townland in Ightermurragh civil parish. Possibly that is the record for the widow of Laurence.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 03:51PM
  • Hi Roger,

    It is too bad the parish register started after the birth of Ellen and I did not realize that, so that is good information.  Thanks for checking on Laurence and Catherine.  Every little bit helps.

    Thanks so much.


    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 01:12PM
  • Hi. In Tithe applotment there is a Maurice Brien listed in Mountcotton civil parish Kilmacdonagh parish of Ballymacoda it might tie in with the son named Maurice. In fact most of the townland is leased by Brien families. Are you definite that Laurence is correct as Maurice and Laurence could look similar when written in long hand in records. 


    Saturday 2nd Apr 2016, 10:33AM
  • Thanks so much.  My information on the name being Laurence is actually from records in the United States which state the father's name. I will certainly look further into the information that you sent.  I appreciate your finding it. Susie

    Monday 4th Apr 2016, 10:57PM

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