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My great/great grandfather was Bartholomew Riley from Ballyvourvey, County Cork.

He was born abt.1805 in Ireland and immigrated to Canada. He married Elizabeth

Lively (grand-daughter of Loyalist Reuben Lively from South Carolina) in the

Cathedral, in Halifax Nova Scotia in 1840. They has a family of 12 and crossed

the Bay of Fundy to homestead in the wilderness of Carleton County in North

West, New  Brunswick province. in 1861. He is quoted in the 1867 book The

Irish in America by Irish MP John Francis McGuire who visited the new homestead

community with Bisop John Sweeney in 1865. Riley is quotes as saying.

"That he came from out beyond (west) of Macroom and each morning set

eyes on old Ballyvourney."

I am hoping there may still be records of the Riley / Doody families.

Bart is listed as the son of Timothy Riley and Johanna Doody on his

marriage certificate. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Hall

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Wednesday 8th Mar 2017, 08:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Tom:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Unfortunately, can't be of much assistance.

    Baptismal records for Ballyvourney RC parish start in 1822 and marriages start in 1871 so no record exists for Bartholomew Riley.

    I looked at the 1827 Tithe listing for the parish and the 1852 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for the parish and do not see any Riley or Doody records.…

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing? You may match someone with more information on your Ballyvourney family.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 8th Mar 2017, 09:17PM

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