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My gr-gr-grandparents supposedly came from Ballyvourney, Cork. They came to the USA, to Massachusetts, sometime around 1860 and settled in Newburyport. They may have stayed with friends or relatives in Salem, MA prior to moving to Newburyport. He was Timothy Sheehan and she was Julia, whose last name has appeared in many variations -- Kilnane or Kilrayne are the most common, but someone told me that it might be Callaghan. Timothy's death certificate says that his mother was a Foley, and Julia's father was Daniel Kilnane/Kilrayne/etc. 

Their children were Patrick, Mary (m. John Lynch, perhaps in Ireland), John (my gr-grandfather), Daniel C., Cornelius, Timothy, and Julia, in birth order to the best of my knowledge. I do not know if there were more children who stayed behind in Ireland.

Would anyone have information that might help us determine if Ballyvourney is the right place or origin for this family? Would you know of family connections there? 

Thank you!


Thursday 8th May 2014, 02:29AM

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  • Elaine,

    Thank you for this information. I have a lot of info on the US side of things, but I'm hoping to make that connection back to Ireland. It's good to have the name of the church where there may be records -- another lead to follow! And the more likely spelling of Julia's surname will be helpful, I'm sure. 

    I have found a variety of spellings of Sheehan, as you note Shean above, plus Shehan and even Shine (I'm guessing a heavy accent on that one).  Lucky for me I live only about 15 minutes from Newburyport, so i can get to the library there and work. I need to make an appointment with the church there, as well, as I believe they will have good records too. 

    thanks again,


    Friday 9th May 2014, 02:57AM
  • Monday 21st Dec 2015, 03:19PM

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