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I am a member of ancestry and have used family search and to search--but can't really find many parish records from the Bandon area and am wondering if they really exist? Has anyone had any success finding some? Seems like a hopeless task so I am just wondering  if some church or library has them in Bandon.  Thanks, Sheila Gendreau (ancestors William Barrett and Margaret Lehane who I have posted info on before)

Saturday 3rd Nov 2012, 02:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Have you tried You need to pay to look at records, but cheaper than actually going there. Also, if in Dublin area, in Churchtown, the Episcopal Church keeps all their old church records.


    sskelly800, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 07:03PM
  • thank you for your suggestion. I have a distant cousin who is a member of rootireland and he sort of checked it out for me. Since Bandon is a wide area--it is hard to know what part  my ancestors came from. I have searched a site called and found some possibilities there--but no way to really know for sure. Thank you though for the suggestion. Good luck with your own searches.


    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 02:58PM
  • Hi
    You might try:…

    You can use the BROWSE option to look at all sorts of information regarding Bandon and County Cork.


    Tuesday 18th Dec 2012, 03:11PM
  • The Bandon RC parish registers are on, the free Irish government website. They have up to about 1820 online right now.They will be adding more in the future.


    Wednesday 19th Dec 2012, 03:15AM
  • hello, i am trying to find some information on the orphanage that was in innishannon, i knew someone that

    was there in the 1950,s


    marie norris

    Sunday 6th Jan 2013, 02:40PM

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