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Greetings from Nepean, Ontario.

I am a decendent of Thomas Murray, married (to his first wife) "Jane" aka Mary Neville in August 1845 in Kilmurray. In 1848 they are in the East-End of London, so must had left post August 1845.

His Second marriage to a Catherine Mahoney, my gr gr Grandmother (looks to have been a child bride, he was widowed and had a daughter occured after 1852, marriage as yet unfound. London or Ireland?). Catherine was Baptised in Ovens in March 1837.


John C Murray

Sunday 6th Dec 2015, 08:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • John:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Here is the link to the parish register for Kilmurry RC parish   You may also want to search this free Irish government site which includes records for the Diocese of Cork and Ross including Kilmurry.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 6th Dec 2015, 09:40PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Have you the URL for the free Irish Government Site? Would the Diocese records be something like the CofE Bishop's Transcripts? I ask this as the Kilmurry registers for marriages between 1805 and 1812 is missing (most likely the one I need). There also seems to be no deaths ever recorded here either. 

    John C Murray

    Friday 29th Jul 2016, 04:36PM
  •   This site relies on the parish records so you may not find the records you need.Very few churches have death records.

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 1st Aug 2016, 01:20PM

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