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I have recently found a record of 2 deaths in Parrish of Kilnagross in 1865. I would like to know how I find out where these people are buried. Below is a copy of what i found.


1865 10-1-1864 101631 V5-65 CLEARY #191 Bartholomew 10 yrs scarletina 3 wks;
no medical attention Timoleague Clonakilty Jeremiah CLEARY occupier
Carbogarriff Parish of Kilmgross

1865 10-2-1864 101631 V5-65 CLEARY #192 John 8 yrs labourer's son scarletina
3 wks; no medical attention Timoleague Clonakilty Jeremiah CLEARY occupier
Carbogarriff Parish of Kilmgross


I believe the "Carbogarfiff" is supposed to be Carhoogarriff. This is the place I have listed as th eresidence for my Cleary ancestors. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

Jane Cleary



Sunday 23rd Nov 2014, 01:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jane

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    We don't have a volunteer in the area but I have passed your query to another Cork volunteer.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 1st Dec 2014, 11:27AM

    Hi Jane,

    I suppose they were buried in Kimagross, did you check this website yet?  This site has 69 images taken at Kilmagross cemetery in West Cork 



    Hope this helps

    Anne Marie



    Mallow Cork

    Monday 1st Dec 2014, 01:11PM
  • Hi Anne Marie


    Unfortunately I could not find any images of use to my search. Thank  you for the link though.



    Wednesday 6th May 2015, 12:58AM
  • Hi Jane

    At this stage you have probably progressed this query quite a bit but just in case see the following - I have been researching Kilnagross graveyard and those buried there for the past three years. In that time I haven't come across a record to link with your research re Carhoogarriffe - Cleary. While the latter is in the Civil Parish of Kilnagross, it is not in the District Electoral Division (DED) of Kilnagross. It is in fact in the DED of Templeomalus which includes Darrara and Ballintemple. The death records are most likely to refernce the civil parish area - hence the reference to Kilnagross.

    It is located two miles or so from the graveyard but is much nearer the graveyards located at Ballintemple or Darrara - this is a more likely place albeit just my opinion where your ancestors might be buried. Both would be the natural burial places for people born in Carhoogarriffe and surrounding area unless there was some reason (and that might be so) which would bring them back to Kilnagross e.g. - came from there originally etc. 

    Regards Conor

    Tuesday 12th May 2015, 03:43PM
  • Hi Conor,

    Thnaks for th einfo you posted re Kinagross.  I am very grateful. I will have a look an dsee if I can find out any info in the graveyards you  mentioned of Darrara and Ballintemple.




    Jane Cleary


    Monday 29th Jun 2015, 01:41AM
  • Hi, Jane, I am researching a Mary Cleary b. abt. 1832 who married a Florence O'Neill in Clonakilty parish in either 1857 or 1861 (there are duplicate marriage records).  They travelled around the area a bit, but had a child, Honoria O'Neill, who was born in Lackanalooha, Kilnagross parish, on February 16, 1866 and baptized in the Clonakilty church that same month.  It is possible our Cleary families are connected:  do you have any information on Jeremiah you would be willing to share?  I am happy to share what I have on Mary Cleary and her O'Neill family.  My e-mail address is, if you want to e-mail me.  Thanks, Richard




    Monday 29th Jan 2018, 03:07PM

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