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I am searching for information regarding my great grandparents, Thomas Geary (BD 1825) and Catharine Mary Rice Geary (BD 1829) who emigrated to the United States about 1850, They were married in New York in 1854. Thomas was from Clonpriest, Cork and Catharine was from Lettram Parish, Kilworth, Cork. Death certificates list Thomas's mother as Lillie B Slingerlands and Catharine's mother as Margaret Rice.I would be interested in any information about these families. Thank you!


Tuesday 25th Jun 2013, 07:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Greetings from Ireland

    Thank you for your email - do you have any other information? ie.full address+ did he have any other brothers / sisters???? - will check at this end for you.


    Clonpriest, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 1st Jul 2013, 10:06PM
  • Thank you for writing! I don't have very much family history. I do know that Thomas Geary filed an intention for naturalization in 1852 in Albany, NY and became a citizen in 1855. His wife, Catharine Mary Rice must have emigrated before 1854 when they were married. Her brother, Edward T Rice, emigrated in 1857 according to a 1910 NY City census record, and became a citizen in 1860 per the Albany courts. His mother, Margaret, was listed as a widower in Albany city directories. I have applied for death certificates for Catharine Mary Rice and Edward T Rice and may learn both parent's names and place of birth on those certificates. Thomas Geary stated on his 1852 Intent for Naturalization that he was 26. His death certificate states he was 63 at the time of death in 11/1885. His birthdate could have been 1822 or 1826. Catharine Mary Rice Geary's cemetery  certificate states she died 4/89. An 1880 census report states she was 52 which would put her BD at 1828. Family records state her BD was 1829 and Thomas Geary's BD was 1825. Edward T Rice, Catharine's brother buriel certificate states he was 76 in 9/1914 which would put his BD at 1838. Thomas and Catharine had eight children, Anastasia (1856), Thomas F (1857), Daniel (1859), Edward (1862), Margaret (1864), Catherine (1865), John Richard (1867) and Patrick Henry (1869). Anastasia, Edward, and Margaret died in childhood. John Richard was was grandfather. I do not know of other family members in Ireland. If Thomas emigrated in 1850, then he was married in Albany, NY and all his children were born there. Since his eldest son was named Thomas, it is possible his father was also Thomas. The name of his mother, Lillie B Slingerlands, was on his death certificate, but no father's name was listed. I was unable to find the surname Slingerlands on common Irish surnames from the National Library listing. Perhaps her name was similar to Slingerlands, but not Slingerlands. Thank you for your help? Are you from the Clonypriest parish? I am from Iowa! We have had lots of rain this summer and I think that it looks alot like Ireland! Do take Care, Virginia (my direct email is and (work and home). 





    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 01:23PM

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