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I am in the process of tracing my family history, my great grandmother was Margaret McGrath (nee Fenton) 1890 (Kilworth, Cork)-1897 (Cahir, Co. Tip).

I am really making a real stab in the dark.  My mum is 60 this year, and during part of my research, I have been told that prior to Margarets death, my mum had been promised the photo album that was kept in the family sweet shop in Cahir.  When my great grandmother passed away in 1976, as my mum/grand parents, were in England Margrets relatives supported in clearing the house etc.  When the arrived i Ireland for the funeral, most items including the photio album were gone.

I know it is a shot in a billion, however for me photo albums are passed on from one generation to another.  If it is still in existence them, maybe just maybe, it could be the best birthsday present ever.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kieron O'Kane

Tuesday 6th Oct 2015, 11:37AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed this to a local volunteer. I don't know if we can help you out with this one, but you never know!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 7th Oct 2015, 02:32PM
  • Attached Files

    Clare - I know that it is a stab in the dark but you never know...

    Tom - The sweet shop was, I believe at 2 Barrack Street.  It is the first house on the left if you start at the bottom of the hill.  Margaret (my great-nan) was living in Russelstown, Clonmel, until her husband (my great-grandfather) died in 1951 and she bough the sweet shop around that time.  From what I am led to believe she ran this shop until her death in 1976 aged 86.  I have attached the only photo that I have of my great-nan which I believe is taken outside the shop.

    As far as I am aware, and I have not got that far yet, is that there are no McGrath relations in Cahir.

    Margarets son, Jeremiah (1927-2013), met my Nan Annie Moloney, daughter of Michael and another Margaret of Abbey Street.  They both moved in England in winter 1954, getting married the following spring.  I know that I have a number of Moloney relations still in Cahir.

    Kind Regards


    Saturday 10th Oct 2015, 10:52AM

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