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My great-great-grandparents, Patrick Healy and Julia Cleary, were living in the parish of St Finbarr's in Cork City from 1863 to 1873 prior to them emigrating to Monmouthshire in Wales with their 3 sons, Jeremiah, Philip and my great-grandfather Robert. Their first child, Bridget, who I presume died in infancy was baptised in St Finbarr's RC South Church on 14 May 1863 but there is no record of their marriage prior to this date at the same church. Their sons were born in the Cork Union Workhouse.

In the Welsh 1881 census Patrick gave his place of birth as Inniscoren and Julia gave Kally Cander as hers, places names that do not exist. Yet Cork was given as their places of birth in the Welsh 1891 census.

So it seems I have no way of finding out when and where my great-great-grandparents were born and married. 

Can anyone help?

Sunday 18th Nov 2012, 09:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi, I have tried doing a search for you but have had no luck, the only thing I can think of is that they may have married at the  North Cathedral, which unfortunatly do not have records available on line. I know that it is a long shot but could be worth trying as I had relatives who were married there and who also went on to have a child born in the Union Workhouse (which is now St Finbarrs Hospital) the baptism records for any children born in the workhouse will be held there (I thought this bit of information may be helpful to you)

    In order to find out you would have to email them the email address is

    I would advise that you give them as much information as possible, as I have enquired and the public is not allowed to search the records themselves.

    Could I ask if you have any further information on Patrick as I am also researching Healy's from Cork and if needed I will try and help you 


    Tuesday 20th Nov 2012, 07:59PM
  • Thanks Crafty-Nanna, I appreciate you taking the time to look into my request for help. I will contact the Cathedral via the email you have supplied right away!

    With regard to Patrick, I'm afraid I have very little information on him. He was a labourer. His age was given as 47 in the Welsh 1881 census. Then 43 in the 1891 census and 68 in the 1901 census. He died in 1903 an inmate of Bedwellty Workhouse in Tredegar, Wales. His age was certified as 60 but was recorded as 74 in the burial records. I hope this helps with your research.

    Thank you again for offering your assistance.

    Wednesday 21st Nov 2012, 01:21AM

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