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Is anyone researching the Garvin's of Castledawson.  I am connected through my Mother's line.  Some 12 years ago a Garvin relative gave me some 50 pages of a family tree - all before computers and genealogy websites !!  Having only got into family stuff in the last 2 years, I admit I haven't studied these pages apart from the bit relating to my Mother.

The tree starts with a William John Garvin who married a Miss Suffern (no dates)

It continues with a son, Stephen Garvin born abt. 1798, farmer and Hotel Keeper of the Dawson Arms Hotel.  It seems he married 3 times all in Castledawson and had some 12 children in all.  Stephen died in the Dawson Arms in April 1863.  The name 'Tamnadace' appears as part of an address - could this be the name of the farm ?  The tree seems to follow all of the children, many of whom emigrated to the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

I would be more than happy to share any of this info and/or connect with any relatives.

Regards, Sally


Wednesday 28th Nov 2012, 07:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Here are a couple of sites that may be of interest to you

     You could try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38)

    or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64)

    or the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS)


    Also this site is very informative

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Go n?ir? an b?ther  leat,

    Kind regards,                   


    Genealogy Support


    Ireland Reaching Out

    Monday 10th Dec 2012, 12:55PM
  • Hi Sally

    I've just started looking into the Garvin's of Castledawson too. William John Garvin is my 5th-great grandfather through my mother's side. I've got a reasonable amount of info relating to his grandson's (Stephen Garvin who came out to Australia) family and descendants from Bob Garvin's (Victoria, Australia) research.  According to other family history researchers,William John Garvin was born in either 1770 or 1780 in Tamniarn (or Tamnadace), Castledawson, Londonderry (Derry) County and died there in 1830. According to the same researchers, Bx Suffern (his wife - and I don't exactly know what Bx stands for - Beatrix??), was born in 1760 to father James Suffern and mother Sally Kinear. Though I've looked at resources online, such as the tithe books, census records and such, I can not find much information on William John - I have no dea who is parents or siblings were for example.

    On Tamnadace / Tamniarn - there's a long Tamnadeese Rd on the fringes of the Castledawson area that primarily runs through farm land, and starts at a Tamnadeese Park - I wouldn't be surprised if these names are a remnant of a no longer existing locality. I understand that when the Christ Church was established in Castledawson, that the Tamnadeese parish/area was absorbed into the Castledawson Parish.

    There is a researcher, Mary Jane, who went to Ireland in 2008 to find some actual records relating to William John (see…). I haven't tried to contact her yet. I did hear, can't recall where - probably from Bob, that the Garvin's ran the Dawson Arms Hotel in Castledawson for many many generations right into the 2000's - don't know if they still do though, and that another brother runs the Garvin Funeral Services in Castledawson.

    I'm keen to find actual evidence and records of William John Garvin, Bx Suffern and beyond, rather than rely on hearsay. As I live in Australia and I've found it virtually impossible to find online records for the Garvin's prior to the 1860s, I'm either going to have to visit Ireland myself to check out parish records or commission some research.

    Hope you're having better luck than I am.

    All the best, Genevieve

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 05:22AM
  • Hi Genevieve,


    Many thanks for your mail.  Will have a more thorough look at the 50 pages I have but as I said, it all starts with William John with no dates so think you have a bit more than I do !

    I did go over to Ireland in 2000 to have a go at 'digging up' some relatives for my Mother and met a lovely old man, I think it was a George Garvin, and his wife who had a guest house (hotel ?) and bar.  George only opened the bar for an hour or so in the evenings !!  I also met George's son, can't remember his name at the moment, who ran the funeral business.  I do remember this man had twin daughters.  Shall have a look at the pages and see if I can establish who he is.

    Have very recently found that shows many Garvins and pictures of the gravestones in the churches where they are buried.  Do have a look, it may help you with some dates. 

    Assume you belong to Ancestry as I do.  I found details of the Will and Probate of a George Robert Garvin, hotel proprietor, who died in 11 May 1892 leaving £975.10s. to Elizabeth Garvin widow, Stephen Garvin merchant and Sufferin Garvin farmer. 

    Thanks for the info on Tamnadace, I would never have guessed it was an old area of Castledawson.

    Will have a look at the Ancestry message board you mention for Mary Jane, thanks.

    This family stuff sure gets one hooked !!  So far I've only been tracing my direct line on my father's side who all  originate from Leicestershire.  Plan to visit the area sometime and see all the villages etc. involved.  The UK has lots of thriving Family History Societies covering every part.  Unfortunately due to the destruction of so many records in Ireland, its difficult to get very far.

    I live in Poole, Dorset on the south coast of the UK about 30 miles west of Southampton.   We are having some unusually cold weather (for this area) just now, so will try and get down to more research.  Not that I know much about Australia, but whereabouts do you live ? 

    Will keep in touch.

    Kind regards,   Sally



    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 07:57PM
  • Hi,

    The Garvins are a cousin line for me. I've met a few of them. I'm very intrested in the infomation you have on the family.

    You may already know that Tamnadace / Tamnadeese /Tamniarn is a townland at the south east corner of Castledawson. The townland includes the road to Magherafelt and Tamnadeese road.

    My Grandmother first made contact with Chirstine Garvin. Christine help her sort out Rocks family line. I met her son George about 13 years ago.



    Wednesday 8th Jan 2014, 08:03PM
  • Hi Dale,

    So sorry not to have replied before now.  Due to moving house last year and resulting chaos, I've sort-of gone off the ancestor tracing stuff, especially the Irish side which will take some time to get my head around. 

    However, I'm more than happy to photocopy all the 50 pages of the Family Tree I was given if you would like them.   They will probably give you a headache or two, the way they are set out !! 

    I've just noticed that you are based in Canada and postage costs would be rather too much for me.  Can you suggest any other way to get them to you ?

    Regards, Sally

    Friday 31st Jan 2014, 11:58PM
  • Wednesday 4th Mar 2015, 06:15PM
  • I am lookig for any information on Patrick Garvin....he was born in 1842 and the first records I have on him are in america where his first sone was born in 1868 (my Great grandfather)....his parents are Morris (Maurice?) and Mary Garvin....I don't kow if they ever came to America or stayed in Ireland. I would love to find a birth record for Patrick and any information on Morris and Mary..


    Saturday 16th Jul 2016, 11:45AM
  • Hi:

    I am looking for information about Andrew who is supposedly the son of John and Bx Suffern.

    My Andrew was born about 1813 and ended up in Huron, Ontario, Canada.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.




    Thursday 28th Feb 2019, 05:20PM
  • Hi, is the thread still active? I’m new to this forum. If the earlier contributors would like any update on the 50 pages, I can avail of 436 pages! (Compiled by Bob Garvin, Brisbane, 2008). 

    Andrew b.1813, is not a name I recognize, however, my immediate family is mentioned in the early posts of this discussion.

    Regards, Gillian


    Gillian G

    Sunday 21st Apr 2019, 10:18PM
  • Hi,

    I don't suppose I can add too much to your Garvin family tree, but I can tell you a couple of stories.  I do have a family connection, through McMaster's, and then Mulholland's.

    In 1939, a Jack Mulholland was travelling from Australia, to trace his family roots in Eden, near Clady/Innisrush.  He met up with my grandfather, they were first-cousins-once-removed.  But in his further travels he stayed the night at the Inn in Castledawson (not so close to his family lands), run by Willie Garvin.  Some 20 years later, Willie became a brother-in-law of my Uncle Leslie McMaster.

    I believe the Inn is still run by Garvins.  The Garvins family are also funeral directors in Magherafelt, and Leslie's son (my cousin) works for them.

    If anyone wants a copy of the letter, although it is mostly about the Mulhollands.



    Monday 29th Jul 2019, 02:54PM
  • Hello,

    Hoping some people are still checking this thread too, as I am still reseraching Garvins too. I am trying to find info on John Milligan, a school master, who married Isabella Garvin in 1848 in casteldawson and had two children, William and Sarah Jane. 

    I believe John Milligan left his wife and children soemwhere around 1855 - 1860 and went to Philadelphia. I am unable to find any more info on him. Some relatives of mine are working with me as we are connected to the Garvins too but we have hit a wall finding out anything else about John Milligan.

    James Garvin has also forwarded us the same 50 page Genealogy report starting with William Garvin but I would love to see the fuller 496 page report!! 

    Thanks in advance for anyone who reads this and has any information


    Friday 14th Feb 2020, 11:16AM
  • Hi Keren, if you send me a contact I can scan you the page I have on Isabella and John.  Unfortunately there's not much recorded other than him being a schoolmaster.  It states they married in Castledawson Presbyterian Church - their marriage record may be more helpful as it will contain his residence and father's name.  I have one record that states he's Scottish.  The family did appear to move to Scotland.  I also read that he had 3 children - William, Peter and Sarah.    




    Gillian G

    Saturday 15th Feb 2020, 05:25PM

    Thanks Gillian,

    That would be much apprecaited. My email address is

    We have checked the marriage certificate but there is only a black line where the father's name should be. That is useful to know he was Scottish at least, that slightly narrows down my search....we know all about when they moved to Scotland as that is where I am and I am directly related too that part of the family, but I just keep finding dead ends concerning John Milligan.

    I think the other child, Peter, must have died young ashe is not on any census records with Isabella and the other two children, William and Sarah Jane. But John is also not on any of the cesnus records in Scotland either. I will keep looking and see if I can learn anything else anyway.

    Thanks again for your help


    Monday 17th Feb 2020, 03:04AM

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