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My g.grandparents Thomas McElhinney and Margaret McElhinney (nee Glass) were registered in the 1901 Census at 10 College Terrace Londonderry City.   They later moved to Marlborough Road still in Derry City.  My question is what Parish is this in.  

Monday 9th Jul 2012, 12:45PM

Message Board Replies

  • This area falls into the Parish of Templemore.  St. Eugene's Cathedral would of been the place of worship for Catholic's.

    Irish Eyes

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 12:22PM
  • Thank you.  

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 12:41PM
  • I see from the Census they were Presbyterian.  I would assume they would of went to Great James Street Presbyterian Church for worship.  Were they interred in the City Cemetery?

    Irish Eyes

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 03:30PM
  • I think they were interred in City Cemetery.   There was a headstone but with no inscription.   The headstone was a tall brown column which has since toppled over.   Nearby is a headstone for their son John which is of brown marble and inscribed "In memory of John McElhinney the beloved son of Thomas and Margaret McElhinney who died 29th July 1918 aged 32 years. Father in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping."    

    They may have gone to Great James Street Presbyterian Church and that does ring a bell but I seem to think that it was Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church because that is where their daughter Martha married Francis Starrett in 1913.

    Thomas McElhinney had a foundry business of Engineers Boilermakers, Smiths, Iron and Brass Founders at Strand Road and Queens Quay.

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 04:19PM
  • John McElhinney lived at 6 Marlborough Street at the time of his death in 1918.

    Thomas born in Donegal died September 2, 1936  (no age given)

    Margaret born in Letterkenny died August 10, 1936   (age 82)

    Irish Eyes

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 07:53PM
  • Thank you for this.   I have a lot of information about them I just wanted to know what Parish the places they lived in fell under.   My brick wall for the McElhinneys is two generations before Thomas.  Also Margaret's parents.

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 09:05PM

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