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I am looking for information regarding my great grandparents, Hamilton Douglas and Jane Bond.  Hamilton died at the age of 75 in 1930 (est) and is buried at the Drumachose Old Church burying ground. His home was in Ballycrum. Together Hamilton and Jane had three children, Samuel Bond, Anna Love & Maggie. Maggie is the only child to stay in Ireland and was married to a Mr. Samuel Anderson.  They had two sons named James and Samuel.

Any information you can pass along to me would be greatly appreciated.


Theresa Coen Barisano

Theresa Coen Barisano

Monday 17th Sep 2012, 02:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Theresa,

    Not sure what you want - "any" information covers a lot, much of which you may already know.

    Hamilton Douglas married Jane Bond in 1878.  His father was called William Douglas, hers was William Bond.

    William Douglas owns several properties in the town of Limavady, which is the main town in the Parish of Drumachose, in the 1850s.

    A John Douglas has a farm in Ballycrum in the 1850s.

    To find William Bond, it would be necessary to acquire the 1878 marriage and see where Jane Bond lived.

    Hamilton and Jane are living in Keady, just outside Limavady in 1901 with children Maggie, Samuel and Anna and nephew Joseph Douglas, unusually, a Catholic as they are all Presbyterians.  Children gone by 1911.

    Hope this helps.

    Contact me on



    Wednesday 3rd Oct 2012, 12:06AM
  • Dear Boyd,

         I am going to send a response to the e-mail you provided above.



    Theresa Coen Barisano

    Theresa Coen Barisano

    Friday 19th Oct 2012, 12:21AM

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