Buildings from Clondavaddog (County Donegal)

Locate buildings around Clondavaddog (County Donegal) and discover who lived and worked there.

Ballymichael National School, Fanad Head, Donegal
Ballymichael National School
This is the former John Durning home, currently as an outbuilding on Patsy McGlinchey’s property
Meentaghconlan, Clondavaddog, Donegal
St. Columba’s Church, Massmount, Fanad
St. Columba’s Church, Massmount, Fanad
St Columba's Church, Tawny, County Donegal
St. Columba’s Church, Massmount, Fanad 

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Cecelia Callaghan and John Friel - Doughmore, Fanad, Co.Donegal
28 Aug 2024 00:29
Descended from George Montgomery
28 Dec 2022 14:05
28 Sep 2022 20:01
Grace Ann - Toome, Fanad to Malin Head
14 Sep 2022 20:08
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