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DNA has shown that my dad was not a Sutton but suggests a connection to the McDevitt family.  I am just beginning my search to try to find a connection with that family group.  I would be interested if anyone has knowledge regarding a McDevitt family who might have left Donegal for New Jersey, USA.  Specifically, anyone with a family connection to Bayonne, New Jersey between the years 1920-1930; my dad being born 1925.  Thank you.  Dennis


Saturday 6th Aug 2016, 12:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dennis

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    McDevitt is spelling variants of the name are mostly associated with Co. Donegal - less so Tyrone, Antrim, Derry and Sligo. There were 379 McDevitt entries on the Griffith's Valuation in Donegal for example in the mid-19th century.

    Do you know the names and of last of your McDevitt family in Donegal?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Clare Doyle

    Thursday 25th Aug 2016, 11:40AM
  • Morning Clare.

    Thank you for the response.  Unfortunately, I'm stuck in the U.S.  As I said, DNA tests show that my dad's father was more than likely a McDevitt (name variant possible).  There were only a couple of McDevitt families living in Bayonne, NJ about the time of his birth so I've begun developing a small tree for these family to see if I can find and Irish origin.  However, because the church records for Donegal are limited, have not had much luck yet.  I continue to hope that DNA will further aid in this research.  Regards.

    Dennis Sutton


    Friday 26th Aug 2016, 10:18AM
  • Hi Dennis

    If you happen to learn anything more do let us know. In the meantime your message will remain here and hopefully someone else researching the family name will be in touch with some gaps to fill

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Clare Doyle

    Monday 29th Aug 2016, 02:57PM
  • Hi Denis,

    I've not been keeping up & just saw your post. My mother's maternal grandmother, Ellen Farren Farren, b. Donegal c.1845/d. Boston, MA USA 1892. had an older brother, Alexander., who said on his naturalization application that he was from Culdaff, Donegal.  Their parents were Philip Farren & Bridgit McKenny.  Alexander purchased a grave in Holyhood Cemetery, Brookline, MA.  The third interment  there is listed as Bridgit McDAVIT age 86, buried 6 March 1893.  Boston death records list Bridgit MCDEVETT on March 4, widow of William McDevett , daughter of Dennis McDevett & Bridgit Farren.  When I found Alex's record I contacted the parish priest in Culdaff (this was in the 1980s) and he said the records did not go back that far. This may be of no help to you, but I thought I'd pass it along.  I wish our ancestors had mixed up the names a little more.



    Saturday 5th Aug 2017, 09:31PM
  • Dear Denis,

    My ancestor James McDevitt was born in Raphoe, Donegal in 1795. His parents were Patrick McDavitt and Nora Brown.

    I have had my DNA tested through 23andme and have uploaded my results to Gedmatch and FTDNA and My Heritage DNA. My Gedmatch number is M458629.




    Wednesday 18th Oct 2017, 08:52AM
  • Hello Cai.  Sorry it has taken so long to answer you.  I did not find you as a match in Gedmatch.  I also didn't notice any match in the other sites.

    Now for an update of my research.  I finally indentified by McDevitt family line.  I received a 2nd cousin match on 23andMe two weeks ago and working with his individual was able to put this together.  My great grandfather is Patrick McDevitt, b. Jul 1859 in Shrove, Moville, Lower, to Daniel McDevitt and Catherine Quinn.  Patrick came to the U.S. in Oct 1887 and settled in Brooklyn, New York where he married Elizabeth Gillespie, b. abt 1870 around Moville.  They had 6 children born in New York and then moved to Bayonne, New Jersey where their last child was born.  Patrick died 29 Mar 1919 in Bayonne.  It is believed that Patrick and Elizabeth's son, Daniel Michael McDevitt (b. 1893, d. 1968) was my dad's real father.

    I now get to begin developing a new family line after spending 30 years developing the Sutton line.

    If anyone has knowledge of this family, I would be most interested in hearing from you and sharing development.  I have also signed up on the Moville, Lower page.



    Friday 18th May 2018, 04:15PM
  • Dear Denis,

    My brother, Shaun Smith is on 23 and Me and on Gedmatch.His gedmatch number is M679360.

    You may have a match with him as the McDevitt's are on our paternal side.



    Saturday 19th May 2018, 07:26AM
  • Morning Cai.  Just checked 23andMe and Gedmatch but do not find your brother as a match anywhere.  Will let you know if I find anything which might prove useful in making a connection.  Thank you.



    Sunday 20th May 2018, 09:59AM
  • Hello, Dennis.

    I similarly hail from a McDevitt line. My great-great grandfather was James Patrick McLaughlin born to James Patrick McLaughlin and Catherine McColgan. Catherine's parents were Bridget McDevitt (b. ~1832-1842) and Patrick McColgan. Bridget was born in and died in Bunn, a very small farming community. James and Catherine moved to Boston before beginning their family. My great-grandmother was born in 1920.

    I'm on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FTDNA, and GEDMatch. My GEDMatch ID is: A438926. The problem is that you will have a hard time determining whether we (other McDevitt descendants) are related through more distant ancestors if we share an ancestor beyond say, Catherine or Bridget's time. We may only share a few cMs, which most DNA systems will flag as a false match due to the low amount. You can use the information in GEDMatch to "paint" your matches onto your DNA (or, use it as a sandbox to see if anyone really matches you) using DNAPainter. There are some Youtube tutorials as it may be a learning curve for some. It is helpful for where there are no paper records, as we all know Ireland's can be spotty the further back you go.


    Monday 24th Jun 2019, 04:33AM
  • Banros.  Thank you for your response and comments.  I know finding very distant family may be next to impossible.

    I have my first trip to Ireland planned for the of August.  Will drive up to Donegal and spend a few days in the area.  Hope to locate the home of my 2nd great grandparents.  Believe, from Griffith's, I have narrowed the location down to lot in Shrove and hope the neighbors might be able give me insight.


    Monday 24th Jun 2019, 09:50PM
  • Dear Banros, I tried to compare your DNA on Gedmatch however it says it is a private kit.

    My Gedmatch number is M458629 and my brothers is M679360.




    Monday 19th Aug 2019, 04:18AM

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