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My grandmother, H/Ellen Donohue, was born to Thomas and Rose (Meehan) Mohan at Drumboarty (Letterbarrow post office) around 1880. She and two sisters emigrated to New York around 1910.  Winifred married a Brennan there, but returned to Donegal where she raised two sons: Patrick and Thomas.  Tom Brennan and his family emigrated in the 1950's, but he died young and we lost track of his wife Winnie and their children when they moved from the Bronx to Tom's River, New Jersey.  Grandma and Aunt Catherine ((Cassie) Morsoney returned to visit around 1930, while their father was still alive and brother James was working the farm. I visited in 1974 and went out to see Patrick Brennan and his wife (another Winnie?) somewhere out in the country. (I heard that he died soon after.)  Then Rose Mohan ? found  me and she and her husband brought me out to tea with their teenage sons at their new house (on the Clare Road?).  Her father, James Mohan, was Grandma's only brother, but there are other sisters in he census records.  I think Rose and her family had only recently moved closer to town (from Drumboarty?) but they still kept a cow for the fresh milk.  Then life got complicated and I regrettably lost touch with all of them. I've done the paper search, but would dearly love to reconnect with Tommy's family here or Rose's family there if anyone can connect the bits I'm left with.  I will be in Donegal Town for a very short visit (lunch break on a CIE tour) October 23.  It would be great to turn that visit into a reunion!






Sunday 18th Sep 2016, 06:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • C. P. Donohue:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We can't help with Tommy's family in the States and we normally don't try to contact living individuals for privacy reasons. We do have a parish liaison in Inver parish. I will e-mail him and if he is aware of Rose Mohan's family, he can have them jump on this site and post a comment.

    Have a great trip to Ireland!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 18th Sep 2016, 11:24PM
  • Have a look on Facebook. I think there is a public page for the Frosses area which Drumboarty would fall under.

    Friday 17th Mar 2017, 08:51PM
  • C.P Donohue,

    My name is Bill Mohan. My grandfather was Thomas Mohan, born in Drumbority,, in 1882, to Thomas Mohan and Rose Meighan. His sister was Ellen, born in 1884, who later married a Donohue and settled on Long Island. I talked to my cousin Elaine Dorscia, who lives in Aston, PA. Her mother's maiden name was Mohan. She discovered your post and called me right away. I do not have your email address or phone number. I have been looking for a connection that took our family from Ireland to the US for years, without any luck. My grandfather Thomas, left Ireland around 1902-03 and went to Paisley, Scotland. He married Catherine Haughey on 12/31/1906 in Paisley, gave birth to my father, Thomas on 11/01/1907, and John in 1909. He came to NYC in 1910, aboard the SS Califormia. He got established here, got a job in Franklin, MA and sent for Catherine and their children. Catherine arrived in Boston with my father and Uncle John. They settled in Franklin where he worked for the trolley car company. In 1918. he unfortunately died  of the Spanish flu epidemic, leaving my grandmother with four boys and one on the way. His death cut off all communication and news from Ireland. I had heard that my grandfather had come to America with 2 sisters who settled in Glen Cove Long Island. I went to Glen Cove, tried finding them in the Irish parish records and in the Library ancestry with no luck. My email address is My phone number is 508-934-9802. I would love to talk to you to fill in the many gaps in our family history.

    Bill Mohan


    Saturday 28th Mar 2020, 01:59AM
  • Dear CP,

    James Mohan is not your grandmother's only son. My grandfather, Thomas Mohan, was also your grandmother's brother. I would love to talk to you and share faimly information. I can be reached at 508-952-2906. That;s in Norton, Massachusetts. You can also email me at Hope to hear from you.


    Bill Mohan



    Saturday 4th Apr 2020, 12:07AM

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