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Hello my name is Jamie Scott I'm researching my lineage but I have hit knot in my tree.. I have found a lot of information on robert Scott b1829-1906 in donegal, killymard parish around the altilow area..

For example my information shows
Robert Scott b1829-1906 killymard father william Scott
Married catherine freeborn b1833-?
Father  Alec (Alexander) freeborn

Then robert Scott married again to a Catherine Hewitt after I assume catherine freeborn passed? 
I found this by researching land tithes and census  In one tithe it shows alex freeborn handing land to robert Scott who was married to a Catherine Hewitt and after doing more research I Finnaly pieced it together.. 

But where I am stuck is still robert Scott I cannot find siblings or a mother and the only name I can connect to him is his father william, a parish and where he lived as an older man (altilow) and his name possibly pops up in (lacrum) and maybe (oberg) but this also might be another robert Scott there are too many names that are the same in such a small place.. I assume he was a farmer. I have found other names like Thomas Scott and Henry Scott in altilow which I thought maybe a sibling or cousin? And through the lack of evidence on william Scott the father, I assume he passed young or re married ??? but there isn't much information prior 1830 in that area 

Any information on Robert or his father William  would be awesome ! If you could help me put this final piece together I would be very happy and satisfied I am fairly certain
My family tree is quite accurate up to robert Scott I would just like proof about siblings and parents.


Thank you Jamie Scott 


Sunday 6th Oct 2013, 11:32PM

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