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I am researching my great grandfather who was called Dominick Gillespie of Kilmacramen Donegal. His father was Cornelius/Connel Gillespie and mother was Grace Doherty. I believe 2 of their children went to Australia (Charles & Patrick), 2 stayed in Ireland (Michael & John/Sean) and Edward went to the USA. Dominick was a late child and joined the army, marrying in Scotland and bringing his family to Norwich in England. Does anybody have any links to this family in Ireland? 

Friday 6th Sep 2024, 03:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    To help volunteers can you include some dates/ years. What was his wife's name?

    Regards- Mary


    Friday 6th Sep 2024, 04:35PM
  • Dominick Gillespie was born in 1826. His father was 1885 and mother was 1890. 

    Friday 6th Sep 2024, 07:21PM
  • Hello,

    On Ancestry, there are 23 public member trees that include your Dominick Gillespie.  Why not contact the owner, who would be related to the family? Good luck.


    Friday 6th Sep 2024, 11:37PM

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