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my ansesters came from donegal to new zealand in 1874 leaving out of tyrone to greenock scottland and left on board the ship dunedin

1/ robert gibson born around 1847 married jane brown in tyrone 25/3/1872 (robert was born in donegal adress craghadoos

2/ robert gibson born around 1818 in donegal  married matilda doeherty

3/ samuel gibson born17?? maried to betsy fahey

i cant find any more info  like when robert and matilda married or any info on samuel

any help would be great



Friday 7th Jun 2013, 11:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dean,

    As you probably know it is quite difficult to find info from the early 1800's.

    There is a Heritage and Education centre in the area of Taughboyne that you could contact and they might have access to some other records.

    Their website is

    And their email -

    I wish you all the best with your research.

    Kind regards,

    Eimer Shea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 03:06PM
  • Hi Dean,

    As you probably know it is quite difficult to find info from the early 1800's.

    There is a Heritage and Education centre in the area of Taughboyne that you could contact and they might have access to some other records.

    Their website is

    And their email -

    I wish you all the best with your research.

    Kind regards,

    Eimer Shea

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 03:06PM
  • hi dean im gibson from  near creagadoos  have been  contact with  other gibson,s which emigrated to scotland then canada  around the 1860s  do,nt have much info from that far back but may  have something of intrest 

    Friday 6th Sep 2013, 11:59PM
  • Hi Dean

    I'm presently doing a Gibson family tree for a friend whose maiden name is Gibson, and could quite possibly be related to you.  Her ancestors were also on the ship Dunedin which came over to NZ in 1874, settling in Christchurch., or more precisely Ashburton/Dromore area.  I have got the passenger list from Family Search (see link below)  of the Dunedin and see there were 3 Gibson families from Tyrone who traveled out here (NZ).  My friend's connection is with James Gibson and his wife Mary Jane, nee Kee, (her great great grandparents)  who travelled out with their three children - Anne Jane, Matilda, Elizabeth.  I note on the same passenger list Robert Gibson, his wife Matilda, and their children, Pat, Matilda, Margaret & Catherine.  Also  another Robert Gibson with his wife Jane, who I preseume are the two you mention in  2/. Happy to share the information I have collected so far.

    Have you seen this from Family Search?

    James Gibson's father's name  was Robert (taken from his marriage record) and I'm wondering if he could be the same one that you mention, born about 1818 who married Matilda Doeherty?  James was born abt 1844, so the dates fit.



    Monday 9th Jun 2014, 06:24AM

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