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I am looking for any info on birth death and mariage.

William Robb father 1820

Sarah Robb nee Barbour 1829

William Robb 1851

John Robert Robb 1853

Jane Robb 1854  married Calvert

Sarah Robb 1856

William Robb 1858

William Robb 1862

John Robb 1862

Hugh Robb 1865

Robert Robb 1868


Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 09:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • The biggest problem is dates and names. I was in Belfast doing some records and with the names I was looking at, I did not know if they were mine. Deaths that were signed I did not know the family names that signed all of them. 

    Thursday 24th Jan 2013, 05:00PM
  • Kia Ora

    Greetings from New Zealand.

    I have Barbours from Catrine Ayrshire Scotland including a SARAH BARBOUR born 1831. Her parents were Alan Barber (Sic) and Agnes Hogg, in case that's any help!



    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 01:34PM

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