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Round 1859-1961 George and his family were heavily involved with Down Cathedral and Downpatrick C.of I (e,f, Sidesman or Assistant Warden, and the Sunday School, and the Temperance movement in the area, and was Head of the Parochial School with one of his daughters as Mistress at the school. He was presented with a Writing Desk, in honour of his running the Sunday School and Bible Study Classes. He also was involved in a Protestant Gathering at the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Church in 1860. See

Also 1859 articles in the Downpatrick Recorder, the Belfast News-letter  19 October 1859, Downshire Protestant, 19 October 1860 page 2, Downshire Protestant 07 December 1860, Downshire Protestant 29th June and 06 July 1860, 

If anyone knows any more about the family there, I'd be glad to hear of it. Am most interested if there is any information about George's parentage and place of birth, and the date and location of his marriage to Catherine Veitch. The earliest I know of their locations is in Fenagh, Leitrim and Ballyconnell, Cavan, respectively.

They worked as teachers (mostly) in other places through Ireland (mainly Northern) throughout their lives. George might have had Irish or Scottish, but quite possibly Dutch, origin. The family were all talented musically and linguistically, as were their descendants. They were C.of I., but could have had Huguenot origins.


Sunday 22nd Jan 2017, 10:06AM

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