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I am currently researching any genealogy I can find on an ancestor who I am 75 percent postive was from County Down.  His name was Joseph Gold and was born around 1760.  He may have been related to a Robert and James Gold.  He emigrated to America around 1780-1790 (estimated) and married a Margaret Rowan in Cumberland County, PA.  They then settled in Butler County PA.


Later on in the early 1800s, Robert and James emigrated to Butler County, PA.  A relative of mine states they were from County Down and might be related to Joseph.  Perry Gold, an emigrant of County Down, may have settled in Butler, PA in 1869 and also was most likely related


I would appreciate any information you might have on Joseph, James, or Robert.  I would love to find information on them so I can finally find out the real origin of my surname.  I would also like to meet any distant relatives I may have as well.


Thank you so much for your time and assistance!


-Marc Gold

Monday 1st Sep 2014, 07:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Marc (pay site) has a lot of Gold / Goold / Gould birth / baptism records from 1760 and before but they are nearly all from Limerick

    There are none in Down til the mid 1800's

    If you google PRONI you'll get the Public Records of Northern Ireland website (free).

    If you do the name search you'll find Golds in the 1740 Protestant Householders & other lists

    There are also some Goolds and 1 Gould


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 2nd Sep 2014, 11:18AM
  • Thanks Col for your response!  Do you think this could be a relation?  If the documentation isnt there, would there be anyway to tell of a relation to those in Northern Ireland?

    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 01:27AM
  • Marc I don't know how to establish a link with Limerick other than by studying the path of Golds into Ireland which might be possible through Gold genealogy sites or DNA 


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 03:05AM
  • Thanks Col, I appreciate the info.  I am currently running a Y DNA test thru Family Tree DNA.  Other then the project they have listed through Family Tree, do you know of any other DNA database registries for Y DNA?  If so, do you know of any that are specific to Ireland?



    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 03:49AM
  • Ireland Reaching Out had one about a year or so ago but it was withdrawn unfortunately.

    I tried Genebase but they are hopeless so I'm awaiting my 'upgrade' through Family Tree; perhaps we'll find we're related!


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 06:05AM

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