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I am seeking help in finding any information about my 2x Great Grandparents SAMUEL THOMPSON  and SARAH who's maiden name was KENNEDY. The only  information I have is from the Marriage Certificate of their youngest son DAVID THOMPSON who was married in Sydney, Australia in February 1863.

This Certificate lists Samuel as a farmer of County Down (no further information) David died in July 1900 and his Death certificate names his place of birth as Belfast.

Family names were: Francis, Samuel, Alexander, William, Hugh, Joseph, Mary, Margaret, Sarah, Jane.

These names do not appear to follow the usual naming patterns.

If anyone could help it would be really appreciated. (my brick wall for the past 10+ years) 



Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 11:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Should have added that David was born about 1835 with only County Down listed as place of birth


    Thursday 6th Feb 2014, 12:34AM

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